Page 98 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 98

Christian Psychology alive

             Teaching Forgiveness as a Pastoral/Professio-     4. Students also discover that serious forgiveness
             nal Skill                                         is a process. Forgiveness is mandated for belie-
             In terms of pastoral and clinical practice, stu-  vers (cf. the Lord’s prayer), but the timetable is
             dents often gain key insights in several areas:   not. Sometimes there are very good reasons to
                                                               withhold forgiveness. To rush into forgiveness
             1. Forgiveness is both a decision and a process.   too quickly can sometimes enable an unrepen-
             “Decisional  forgiveness”  plays  a  role  in  most   tant offender to do greater evil. If forgiveness
             models of forgiveness in the research literature,   has been granted only to satisfy social pressure
             although some emphasize it more than others.      from well-meaning family or the church, it can
             At some point for a person to overcome bitter-    be a superficial exercise that leaves the victimi-
             ness they need to decide they want to forgive,    zed person feeling guilty about their unresolved
             an  existential  and  biblical  act  of  faith.  This  is   anger and hurt. Respecting the need to let peop-
             helpful  for  both  my  pastoral  and  counselling   le be in process with forgiveness, is a vital part
             students to recognize.                            of helping them to move forward in obedience
                                                               to Jesus’ command to forgive.
             2.  The  scientific  study  of  forgiveness  is  spe-
             cifying  the  bio-psycho-social-spiritual  impact   5. In addition, in this course students also have
             of  unresolved  bitterness,  the  more  healthful   to grapple with how congruent is the concept
             outcomes  of  practicing  grace  and  extending   of therapeutic forgiveness, (roughly defined as
             forgiveness in interpersonal relationships, and   forgiving in order to relieve oneself of the ne-
             articulating  practical  cognitive  and  emotional   gative symptoms of bitterness), and forgiveness
             strategies that seem to underlie successful for-  enjoined by Jesus? Some theologians have sug-
             giveness. This convergence of Biblical teaching   gested that therapeutic forgiveness has serious
             and  empirical  findings  strengthens  student’s   deficiencies  (cf.  Jones,  1995  for  an  example).
             confidence in faith and practice, and stimula-    To what extent are these criticisms valid or off
             tes interest in pursuing research interests in the   the mark, is a question particularly important
             area of forgiveness.                              to create healthy discomfort among counselling
                                                               students who are seeking to be integrative Chri-
             3. Course readings in the psychological research   stian professionals.
             literature also raise critical questions about how
             data  from  general  revelation  (behavioral  sci-  One  student  was  compelled  to  contrast  the
             ence findings in this case) relates/does not re-  humanistic  approach  common  in  her  field  of
             late to data from special revelation (chiefly the   counselling and Biblical witness regarding the
             Bible). This furthers student development of the   triune God:
             integration of faith and professional practice for
             counselling  students,  and  gives  pastoral  stu-   I could not help but think of my recent Satir
             dies students a practical understanding of how       training in line with a few of Jones’ assertions
             to help people trapped in unforgiveness, using       regarding the self. On page 76, Jones, taking
             both theological and clinical insights.              the example of Unforgiven, [a Clint Eastwood
                                                                  film with forgiveness themes] asserts that the
                                                                  capacity that each of us have to destroy and
                One student noted: “ If forgiveness simply re-    do evil shows that there is no stable self that
                mains learned behavior then it somehow is         can be presumed to be fundamentally good
                void of divine power and mandate. It is diffi-    or fundamentally evil; rather “our selves
                cult to imagine the Spirit included in a purely   are battlefields in which we can never claim
                humanistic act. On the other hand, it is also     complete control.” Obviously, Satir and other
                clear that forgiveness is not only an action      humanist philosophies argue that there is a
                that is performed by Christians. It is a God-     true, stable, congruent self, filled with positi-
                given trait perhaps, but it falls under the doc-  ve life energy, that works for transformatio-
                trine of common grace, all humanity has been      nal change, and is, ultimately, good. What a
                granted the poser to forgive””. (M.M.)            different approach than what Jones is advoca-
                                                                  ting – nothing said about a larger narrative of

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