Page 96 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 96

Christian Psychology alive

             Formational learning from the study of for-       tic witnesses to forgiveness, students encounter
             giveness                                          the reality of sin, trauma, grace and freedom.
             Students  learn  not  only  develop  an  academic   They discover that if God can heal this person
             knowledge and acquire pastoral/clinical skills to   of their wounds, then perhaps my own are not
             further forgiveness process, but also are encou-  beyond repairing; they also see people openly
             raged to use the class readings and assignments   talking  about  how  forgiveness  is  not  comple-
             to help them explore their own unforgiveness      te in their lives, modeling that grace may take
             issues as part of spiritual and professional for-  time to take hold and that the process of sancti-
             mation. A pastor or a counsellor who has not      fication is often about incremental transforma-
             dealt with bitterness or reconciliation issues in   tion, not overnight change.
             his/her own life will not be very effective in un-
             derstanding  and  assisting  parishioners/clients   4. The last class of the course concludes with a
             with their struggles. The class attempts in seve-  communion service, centered upon God’s for-
             ral ways to do this.                              giveness  for  his  people  through  the  Cross  of
                                                               Christ, and our response to grace as a commu-
             1. Engaging the student in devotional theologi-   nity of the forgiven and forgiving. Students not
             cal reflection about God’s call to forgive in their   only engage in worship and the Lord’s Supper
             own lives. Using Henri Nouwen’s The Return of     at this time, but also dialogue and pray together
             the Prodigal as a devotional exemplar, the class   for their own journeys of forgiveness.
             comes to grip in particular with the meaning of
             forgiveness  as  expressed  in  the  parable  of  the   Comments  made  in  papers  by  my  own  stu-
             Prodigal Son (Luke 15).                           dents, reflecting the spiritual and professional
                                                               formation outcomes:
             2.  Employing  a  research-based  forgiveness
             model    (Christian    psychologist   Everett        I was struck by Jones’ interpretation of Mary’s
             Worthington’s  REACH  model),  students  car-        reaction when she finds that Jesus’ body is not
             ry  out  a  reflective  workbook  assignment  that   in the tomb. Jesus was the one who affirmed
             walks them through their own forgiveness is-         Mary of her humanity. His death brought a
                                                                  loss of hope and also a loss of her sense of
             sues.  I  believe  this  helps  students  experienti-  identity. When she hears the risen Jesus call
             ally  encounter  the  complexities  of  resolving    her name, she finds her identity once more.
             interpersonal  sin  and  move  towards  healing.     She is the one who has been forgiven, loved,
             Since  forgiveness  processing  involves  the  use   and given life, by her God. [Here she quotes
             of  empathy,  compassion,  perspective  taking,      Jones’ Embodying Forgiveness]“But she can-
             the practice of exercises which engender these       not cling to her past relationship with Jesus;
             skills/traits in the students, which help prepare    she must go forward and embody her new life
             them for ministry.                                   in mission to others” (130). This story remin-
                                                                  ded me of the importance of, not only recei-
                                                                  ving God’s love for me, but also allowing my
             3.  Students  report  they  are  strongly  impacted   identity to be shaped by Him. If I am to truly
             by the testimonies of guest speakers, who share      live in his image, I must live in communion,
             their  forgiveness  struggles  with  the  class.  The   self-giving communion, with my brothers and
             past  classes  have  included  testimonies  of  for-  sisters. (L.W.)
             giveness from a woman whose brother attemp-
             ted to kill her family and was serving a life sen-   I loved Barth’s notion of finding signs of for-
             tence for successfully murdering their mother;       giveness throughout creation. The line of
             a former anti-terrorist police officer from Nort-    sacred and secular used to be more clearly
             hern Ireland who was raised to hate Roman Ca-        demarcated. Part of me wonders, “Are the
             tholics who talks about forgiveness and recon-       moments of forgiveness and beauty that I am
             ciliation between people groups; and a former        noticing around me  with  greater frequency
                                                                  actually signs that I am unwittingly growing
             pastor who had an affair which devastated his        in my embodiment of forgiveness?” (P.E.)
             family and church. In dialog with these authen-

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