Page 103 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 103

Christian Psychology alive

                                         Inspired by Christian Psychology:
                Psychological Students of the Providence Theological

                   Seminary Meet Former Articles of the e-Journal 5.

             Providence Theological Seminary is an evange-     ces to effectively counsel individuals, families,
             lical institution in Otterburne, Manitoba, Cana-  couples, and groups.  The counselling program‘s
             da, whose purpose is to serve the Church, in the   objective is to thoroughly equip individuals to
             accomplishment  of  its  mission,  by  preparing   confidently  and  competently  integrate  their
             and  supporting  leaders,  developing  resources,   Christian faith with professional standards and
             and facilitating theological reflection.  The Se-  practices.
             minary is both evangelical and interdenomina-
             tional offering certificates, masters and doctoral   This was the task for the students:
             level programs in traditional classroom format,   Please  select  from  the  articles  in  e-Journal  5,
             courses, and through online education. Gradu-     pages 11-107, one which most inspires you.
             ate  programs  focus  on  preparing  students  for
             Church,  counselling,  educational,  global  and
             academic  ministries.    The  Master  of  Arts  in   Describe (2 pages) why this article inspires you
             Counselling  and  Counselling  Psychology  de-    and what further thoughts you have about it.
             gree programs are distinct in their integration   And here are four responses.
             of a theologically-informed worldview and mo-
             dern  psychological  knowledge.    Through  the   Thank you very much to the authors!
                                                               And thank you too to Sharon Habermann for
             counselling  program  students  gain  the  know-
             ledge,  confidence,  and  competency  to  inte-   coordinating these responses
             grate critically their Christian world view with   If you want read the articles please click on
             mainstream  counselling  theories  and  practi-   the titles.

             Heidi Dirks
             Response to “The Framework for Counselling from an

             Evangelical Perspective” by Shannon Wolf

             The task of integrating personal faith into one’s
             vocation  can  be  difficult,  forcing  people  to     Heidi  Dirks,
             wrestle with many questions about how to ho-           B.Ed.,  M.A.
             nor and obey God in their particular situation. I      (C o un s e l -
             acknowledge that such integration can be diffi-        ling)  is  a  re-
             cult, and may look different for each individual.      cent graduate
             The image of Christian counselling being on a          of Providence
             continuum speaks to God’s creativity in calling        Theological
             individuals to serve Him in different ways.            Seminary  in
             I appreciate Shannon Wolf’s discussion of how          M a n i t o b a ,
             Christian therapists can begin the task of inte-       Canada.  She  is  also  a  public  school
             grating their Christian worldview into their he-       teacher,  specializing  in  Senior  Years  so-
             aling work as therapists. This discussion is very      cial  sciences,  and  enjoys  working  with
             important  for  therapists,  as  it  increases  their   adolescents  in  both  school  and  therapy
             awareness of their own beliefs and values, which       settings. She is passionate about social ju-
             helps address the potential of harmful counter-        stice issues around the world.
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