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Christian Psychology alive
Conclusion Bessler, Joseph A. 2008. Seminaries as Endangered Ha-
As a seminary educator and lifelong learner, I bitats in a Fragile Ecosystem: A New Ecology Model. In
gain valuable insights from my students about Revitalizing Practice, ed. Malcolm L. Warford, 1-31. New
York: Peter Lang.
what forgiveness means in specific situations, Brookfield, Stephen D and Mary E. Hess. 2008. How Can
enfleshing the theological and behavioral sci- We Teach Authentically? Reflective Practice in the Dialo-
ence insights in practice or the struggle of prac- gical Classroom. In Teaching Reflectively in Theological
tice, including both critique of and affirmation Contexts, ed. Mary E. Hess and Stephen D. Brookfield,
of knowledge in the field. In addition, I also have 1-18. Malabar, Florida: Krieger.
Brookfield, Stephen D. 2008. How Do We Invite Students
used the course to explore my own forgiveness into Conversation? Teaching Dialogically. In Teaching
journey and foster my own personal develop- Reflectively in Theological Contexts, ed. Mary E. Hess
ment and formation as a teacher, husband, and and Stephen D. Brookfield, 32-47. Malabar, Floriday:
Christian leader. I am humbled by the wisdom I Krieger.
gain about the craft and calling of teaching from Cha, Peter T. 2008. Student Learning and Formation: An
Improvisational Model. In Revitalizing Practice, ed. Mal-
my students. colm L. Warford, 33-65. New York: Peter Lang.
DiBlasio, Frederick A. and Brent B. Benda. 2008. Forgive-
Daniel Aleshire, Executive Director of ATS, has ness Intervention with Married Couples: Two Empirical
recently written: Analyses. 27, no. 2 (Summer): 150-158.
Enright, Robert D. 2005. Forgiveness Is A Choice. Wa-
“Teaching has a significant impact on stu- shington DC: APA LifeTools.
Exline, Julie Juola. 2008. Beliefs about God and Forgiven-
dents. More than half of the ATS member ess in a Baptist Church Sample. Journal of Psychology &
schools participate in the ATS Graduating Christianity 27, no. 2 (Summer): 131-139.
Student Questionnaire, and while responses Hess, Mary E. 2008. Listening and Learning to Teach in
to some questions vary, graduating students Theological Contexts: An Appreciative Inquiry Model.
respond to one question almost exactly the In Revitalizing Practice, ed. Malcolm L. Warford, 67-97.
same, year after year. When asked to identify New York: Peter Lang.
the most influential aspect of their theologi- Hess, Mary E. 2008. „How Do We Meet Students Where
cal education, among fifteen choices, the first They Are, While Challenging Them Further?“ Teaching
choice is always the faculty.” (Aleshire, 2008. Developmentally. In Teaching Reflectively in Theological
pg. 68) Contexts, ed. Mary E. Hess and Stephen D. Brookfield,
This is a charge to myself and we who call 48-75. Malabar, Florida: Krieger.
Jacobson, Rolf. 2008. „How Do Students Experience
ourselves seminary teachers, that we would be the Teacher?“ Knowing Who You Are as a Teacher (and
worthy of that influence we have been entrusted Knowing that Your Students Do Not). In Teaching Re-
with, and that through our graduates we might flectively in Theological Contexts, ed. Mary E. Hess and
indeed bless the Church. Stephen D. Brookfield, 76-92. Malabar, Florida: Krieger.
Lose, David J. 2008. „How Do We Make Space for Stu-
dents to Seek Truth?“ Teaching with Conviction. In
(60th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theo- Teaching Reflectively In Theological Contexts, ed. Mary
logical Society (ETS), Providence, Rhode Is- E. Hess and Stephen D. Brookfield, 19-31. Malabar, Flo-
land, November 19, 2008) rida: Krieger.
McMinn, Mark R., Heath Fervida, Keith A. Louwerse,
Jennifer L. Pop, Ryan D. Thompson, Bobby L. Trihub and
Susan McLeod-Harrison. 2008. Forgiveness and Prayer.
References Journal of Psychology & Christianity 27, no. 2 (Summer):
Aleshire, Daniel O. 2008. Earthen Vessels. Grand Rapids, 101-109.
Michigan: William B. Eerdmans. Patton, John. 2000. Forgiveness in Pastoral Care and
Armour, Marilyn Peterson, Liliane Cambraia Windsor, Counseling. In Forgiveness, ed. Michael E. McCullough,
Jemel Aguilar and Crystal Taub. 2008. A Pilot Study of a Kenneth I. Pargament and Carl E. Thoresen, 281-295.
Faith-Based Restorative Justice Intervention for Christi- New York: Guilford Press.
an and non-Christian Offenders. Journal of Psychology & Ramsey, Janet. 2008. „How Does Team Teaching Model
Christianity 27, no. 2 (Summer): 159-167. Trust In and Beyond the Classroom?“ Teaming to Create
Bassett, Rodney L., Melissa Edgerton, Jason Johnson, the Conditions for Transformation. In Teaching Reflec-
Courtney Lill, Greg russo, Lindsay Ardella, Kara Pascuz- tively in Theological Contexts, ed. Mary E. Hess and Ste-
zo, Audrey Erbland, Aaron Cox and Nicole Graf. 2008. phen D. Brookfield, 118-140. Malabar, Florida: Krieger.
Seeking Forgiveness: The view from an Experimental pa- Skinner, Mathew L. 2008. „How Can Students Learn to
radigm. Journal of Psychology & Christianity 27, no. 2 Trust Us as We Challenge Who They Are?“ Building Trust
(Summer): 140-149.