Page 99 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 99
Christian Psychology alive
a Triune God from whom we learn communi- state where she was living to restart her life,
on, relation, grace and love. (D.V.F.) where she met Ray and later married. In addi-
tion to his wife’s ongoing mistrust of leadership
Case Study: Roy’s Story in the Church due to this traumatic experience,
Returning to the scene of last year’s graduation, Ray himself was understandably angry at both
the most meaningful interaction I had was with the organization and the executive director in-
a graduate named “Roy” [not his real name]. He volved.
spotted me wandering around in the reception
area where refreshments were being served, and He journaled at one point during the course re-
insisted that I sit at his table with his parents garding a reading assignment:
and senior pastor. Somewhat to my surprise,
Roy introduced me to them both and then pro- “I put this chapter off for a while, partly be-
ceeded to talk about the personal significance cause I knew it would address some of my
of the course he had completed with me his last own issues and some real events that Tina
semester. Here is his story, much of which was and I are working through right now. Last
not known to me until that day. week she heard from a family friend that the
pastor who had made unwanted sexual ad-
vances towards her was fired from the church
Roy had waited until his last year in seminary to for other offenses against other women. His
take his most of his practical theology courses. wife is filing for divorce. There are allegations
He found himself very much enjoying his class of sexual misconduct, where he abused his
in pastoral counselling, particularly the use power and trust. His wife is pressing charges
of case studies and pastoral formation assign- of assault against him for violence. Tina feels
ments which caused him to reflect more deeply vindicated, in a way, because she was demo-
on how his family of origin and Asian cultural nized by the church when she left two years
heritage had influenced his assumptions about ago.
life and ministry. In his last semester he decided When I heard the news of what this man
to take my course on theological issues in coun- was up to, I was livid and indignant. I really
seling, which focused upon forgiveness. thought that this man should be taken out,
that someone just needs to smack him around
As the class unfolded, Roy found himself per- a little. He works mostly with teens and col-
sonally affected by the readings, journal assign- lege students who are international students,
ments, speakers, papers and discussions. He away from family and friends. So, he’s picking
realized that his church, family and even his up on the defenseless. Some of the things Tina
marriage was wrapped up in issues profoundly tells us about make me sick. And I want to re-
related to unfinished forgiveness business. spond violently. I want to smack him around
a little. Or a lot. It makes me even more mad
to know that he’s now in [name of a city in
Roy’s wife “Tina” [not her real name] had been the Midwest] doing fundraising and sprea-
a staff member in a Christian organization whe- ding lies about his wife. Sometimes I feel as if
re she had been subject to sexual harassment by the sins of this man justify my anger, aggres-
the agency’s executive director. This individual sion, and violent intent towards him. And so
had propositioned her and attempted to mani- I didn’t want to read this chapter.
pulate her into a sexual relationship, which she
rebuffed. When she reported this behavior to This chapter forces me to conclude that the-
the organization’s board, the executive director re are no easy divisions between good guys
and bad guys. Munny [a character in Clint
denied her allegations and attacked her charac- Eastwood’s film “Unforgiven”] is right, “We
ter and credibility. She was quickly fired from all have it coming.” Maybe my violent reac-
this ministry and subsequently lost many clo- tion is an attempt to deny that I have it co-
se friends who were taken in by false rumours ming too, that I am a rotten sinner as well.
circulated to discredit her in the local Christian But my self-righteousness doesn’t want me to
community. Tina eventually had to leave the go there. This chapter makes me realize that