Page 93 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 93

Christian Psychology alive

             Does this stuff work? Will it work for me?        a topic that connected to central tenets of Chri-
             There are many ways to be an authentic person     stian faith, being empirically explored and cli-
             as  a  theological  educator.  One  way  authenti-  nically applied.
             city is displayed by an instructor is by sharing   The course was redesigned to make Forgiveness
             one’s own struggles living out the Gospel. Hess   its  main  theological  topic,  reconceptualized
             &  Brookfield  (2008)  use  the  metaphor  of  the   more as an interactive seminar where in-depth
             theological educator as a river guide, bringing   treatment of a particular topic becomes a means
             students through the rapids and pools of their    of explaining a larger subject area. Gradually I
             subject matter as an experienced companion on     have developed a course which includes a mix-
             the journey.                                      ture of readings, papers, journals and class as-
             Discussion-based  teaching  has  been  noted  as   signments that centre on the rich topic of for-
             one of the most important critical learning me-   giveness theologically and psychologically.
             thods used in theological education (Brookfield,   Like  most  instructors  I  struggle  with  questi-
             2008),  and  plays  a  major  role  in  this  writer’s   ons  of  how  much  material  to  cover,  (after  all
             classes.                                          the  course  still  tries  to  be  broader  than  just
                                                               forgiveness), how much reading is sufficient to
                “…all are teachers in some way, just as all are   ground students in the subject matter, and sin-
                learners—we  all  “  know  as  we  are  known.”   ce the course is offered as a one week modular,
                Indeed, the fundamental task of a teacher in   how much pre-course work is realistic to expect
                this kind of process is to get out of the way   students to do prior to the intensive classroom
                sufficiently to allow learners to engage the
                central topic.” (Hess, 2008:53)                experience? The course has evolved over time
                                                               on these questions.

             History of the course                             Some of the changes that have occurred inclu-
             “Theological Issues in Counseling” was a course   de:
             originally  designed  to  give  seminary  students   •  Reducing lecture time. Students are capable
             enrolled in our counseling program an overview        learners and have good texts they are expec-
             of theological themes that typically underlie cli-    ted to analyze.
             ent problems. (It should be noted that it is a 3   •  More reflective journaling assignments re-
             semester hour course out of a 20 semester hour        lating to spiritual and professional formati-
             Biblical/Theological required cluster, which in-      on.
             cludes basic theology, spiritual  formation  and   •  Using  guided  discussion  in  class  to  help
             Biblical Studies.) Up until this point, the course    students develop critical thinking, create a
             had been a survey course, with special emphasis       sense of ownership for their own learning,
             on integrating the Imago Dei and the doctrine         and to facilitate learning from one another
             of sanctification. I was frustrated with the sylla-   as well as from the formal texts.
             bus as it seemed to be too broad, and with the    •  Focusing  on  a  single  subject  area  (for-
             theology text books I was using as they seemed        giveness)  and  going  deeper  rather  than
             too disconnected from application in pastoral         trying to skate over the gamut of theological
             care and professional practice. In 2000 I atten-      issues relating to counselling.
             ded the AAMFT Annual Conference in Denver,        •  Employing  guest  speakers  who  also  dia-
             Colorado. The American Associates for Marria-         logue  with  students  about  their  own  for-
             ge and Family Therapy (AAMFT) is the leading          giveness journeys, as well as exposing the
             professional organization for Marriage and Fa-        class to films such as “The Straight Story”
             mily therapists in North America. Among the           and “Magnolia” illustrating forgiveness pro-
             workshops I attended there was one on “For-           cess.
             giveness after Extramarital Affairs”, by Fredrick
             Di Blasio, a Christian Professor of Social Work   Jacobson (2008:80) comments that “A more ro-
             at the University of Maryland. This was my in-    bust way of being a teacher may be to slow the
             troduction  to  the  thriving  field  of  forgiveness   pace  at  which  students  are  being  bombarded
             research. I was immediately hooked: here was      with  information  and  instead  structure  lear-

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