Page 157 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 157

A Portrait of a Christian Psychologist: Paul C. Vitz

             the command to reject hating our enemies? It      Nevertheless,  love  for  our  enemies  seems  to
             should not come as a surprise that Jesus forba-   be very difficult and rare. Jesus’ forgiveness of
             de such hatred, but somehow we always tend to     his enemies as exemplified in the events of his
             forget and too often we go on hating anyway.      passion  constitutes  a  clear  model  of  what  we
             However, hatred, in spite of the previously men-  are called to do. Fortunately we are rarely given
             tioned rewards provides only a temporary psy-     such extreme tests and fortunately, we are not
             chological sense of identity. The first problem   expected to have the capacity to love our ene-
             is  likely  to  be  that  those  we  hate  will  hate  us   mies on the basis of our own moral strength.
             and attack us in retaliation. This often sets up   Instead, we are asked to love God first, for Chri-
             an unending cycle of revenge which gives us an    stians this means that the love of Jesus is the
             identity at the cost of a calm and peaceful self.   central fact enabling us to love others through
             A second common problem is that hatred traps      his gift of grace. Our identity is formed through
             us in a mental prison in which we obsessively     this love.
             spend time and energy and thought fueling the     And, let us not give up hope that this kind of
             hatred, all of which reduces the freedom to love   identity  based  on  charity  or  self-giving  love
             others and grow in more positive ways. A third    could change the world. For example, as a result
             problem is that when we are filled with cultiva-  of modern communication technology there is
             ted anger and hate we often “bubble over” and     reason to think that a psychology of love might
             lash  out  at  innocent  bystanders  creating  ene-  be able like yeast or salt to permeate the world.
             mies by accident. Such anger also sets up in us   Yeast  and  salt  both  have  transforming  effects
             and others attitudes of cynicism and pessimism.   one on bread and the other on most food, even
             There  are  still  other  problems  with  hate  but,   though each ingredient is quite small compared
             enough  already;  we  all  know  that  hatred  and   to the total. One reason for hope is the existing
             violence create more of both and in the process   Christian  emphasis  on  love  found  in  modest
             trap and stunt us.                                amounts  among  the  world’s  over  one  billion
             Now, let’s look at the psychological problem, na-  Christians, this love is also often found in the
             mely lack of identity, raised by rejecting hatred   lives and attitudes a good number of secularists
             of our enemies. Some other basis for identity     and non-Christians as well. Thus love already
             is needed and the answer is no doubt obvious.     has a good start in much of the world.
             Love, and by this is meant what is commonly       There is also the obvious exhaustion of the mo-
             known  as  self-giving  love,  is  a  positive  basis   dern agenda. Ideologies, such as Communism,
             for identity and one that also generates itself in   Socialism,  Fascism  and  don’t  forget  Nationa-
             interpersonal relationships as well as in social   lism,  all  served  to  give  so  many  people  hate
             and political interactions. Looking back at our   based  identities  filled  with  hostility  to  other
             previous 4 reasons for hating it is clear that a   groups and that generated enormous violence
             response involving love is quite possible in each   seem to be fading away in much of the world.
             instance.  In  place  of  self-pity  and  the  victim   Meanwhile  so  called  postmodernism  with  its
             role there is one of compassion and helping the   skeptical, nihilistic anything goes mentality and
             other. Certainly this is better and indeed more   its  consumerist  moral  relativism  is  beginning
             rewarding  than  pathetic  self-pity.  In  place  of   to  look  quite  empty  and  for  idealistic  young
             social and group support based on mutual ene-     people most uninspiring. The present historical
             mies there is social support based on a mutual    and cultural period seems to be an end game
             positive goal.  In place of the energy and purpo-  for modern and late modern ideas and values.
             se given by hatred there is energy and purpose    Along with many others I believe a major new
             based on loving purposes and self-giving. Mo-     era is just starting to show signs of its arrival.
             ral superiority may build self-esteem but most    Let  us  hope  that  self-giving  love  rather  than
             people find such moralistic people condescen-     self-justifying hatred will be central to this new
             ding, arrogant and pharisaical. A humble and      historical period.
             loving  attitude  in  contrast  is  welcomed  by  all
             and brings far more happiness and peace.

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