Page 162 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 162

A Portrait of a Christian Psychologist: Paul C. Vitz

             logical  significance  of  the  concept  of  the  Fa-  is that now exploitation is without any “princi-
             therhood of God. To set a context for this, I will   pled”  rationale.  Men  can  exploit  women,  and
             address the major interpretations or “models”     occasionally women can exploit men, because
             of sexuality.                                     those who have the power to exploit do so. In
             Probably the most familiar model of sexuality     the “old days” - under the old regime - exploi-
             is what I will call the “Exploitation Model,” in   tation was justified by bad social philosophy; in
             which  men  have  traditionally  dominated  and   the  androgynous  situation,  exploitation  exists
             taken  advantage  of  women.  This  model  has    in a philosophical vacuum in which “anything
             been rightly criticized, especially by feminists.   goes.” Do we really believe that the amount of
             Throughout  the  world,  men  have  dominated     sexual exploitation in the last thirty years has
             and  exploited  women  in  all  the  societies  of   been significantly less than that under the old
             which we have any historical record. Sometimes    “exploitive” macho system?
             the  treatment  has  been  relatively  benevolent,   The third model, which I believe to be the tra-
             but in any case the general picture is familiar   ditional  Christian  model,  will  be  called  the
             to all.                                           “Complementary  Model.”  Here,  maleness  and
             The second model is what has already been ter-    femaleness are seen as important and posi¬tive
             med the “Androgyny” or “Unisex Model.” This       differences, and as fundamental to reality and
             is an understanding of sexuality as basically ar-  to the nature of each person. God created us,
             bitrary, and that male and female are not only    male and female, and God called it good. This
             equivalents  but  more  or  less  interchangeable,   emphasis on the reality and importance of se-
             except for minor differences in external geni-    xual differences contrasts with androgyny, but
             talia and associated sensory pleasure. It is so-  masculinity and femininity - maleness and fe-
             metimes assumed that a unisex understanding       maleness - are seen as cooperating in a mutually
             of sexuality is less exploitive of women. There   supportive fashion. This also contrasts with the
             is,  however,  no  evidence  for  this,  and  instead   exploitive model. No doubt the complementary
             there is good reason to believe that the andro-   model is hard to maintain and to live up to, but
             gynous understanding leads to exploitation of     then so is much of the rest of Christianity. We all
             both men and women. After all, in the unisex      know that the Christian faith is not about how
             model, sex is essentially each individual’s per-  to live the easy life. Instead, it is a faith that chal-
             sonal  search  for  sexual  pleasure,  however  ex-  lenges us to rise to a higher way of being. What
             perienced. It is this model that provides today’s   I will try to show now is how the psychological
             general rationale for pornography. The andro-     significance of the Fatherhood of God helps to
             gynous  understanding  of  sex  means  that  any   maintain the complementary understanding of
             form of sexual pleasure is okay since there is no   the sexes, for both men and women.
             natural character to sexuality; it is an arbitrary
             social convention defined by each person. Once    Dealing with Macho Psychology
             sex as recreation, rather than as procreation, is   The psychology of men, influenced by the ex-
             established,  individual  moral  relativism  goes   ploitive model, can be seen as the problem of
             with it. The result is the world of today’s por-  correcting what can be called “macho” psycho-
             nographic exploitation, in which sex with either   logy. It is, I believe, easier to see the importance
             sex is justified, as well as even especially sado   of God the Father if we see male psychology in
             masochistic sex, sex with children, and now sex   the absence of such a concept. As noted, histori-
             with animals; if you enjoy it, it is acceptable. The   cally the predominant idea of male psychology
             logic that makes sex to relative to each individu-  has been one of male superiority, dominance,
             al, however, also relativises power to the indivi-  and exploitation.
             dual. That is, power can now be utilized in the
             service of pleasure with no more restraints, eit-  4  Male  dominated  and  exploitive  cultures  have  been
                                                               common history, and the ideas supporting these structu-
             her. In short, if you have the power, you can get   res are still common in many traditional cultures. Much
             away with sexual exploitation. A feature of the   of contemporary Islam expresses this view (e.g., the Ta-
             current situation with regard to sex and power    liban).  The  same  ideas  are  found  in  the  modern  West,
                                                               for example throughout the writings of Nietzsche. More

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