Page 161 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 161

A Portrait of a Christian Psychologist: Paul C. Vitz

             in response to heresies. In any case, when the    superior to them.
             spirit of the age, in some extreme form, presses   This kind of emphasis on difference rather quik-
             for changes in theology, this is an a priori rea-  kly led, in theology, to goddess worship and to
             son to reject such movements.                     explicit rejection of Christianity.
             Another reason for not giving in to the spirit of   Much less extreme examples of this post mo-
             our time is that modernism itself is dying. The   dern feminism would include Carol Gil¬ligan’s
             list of ideologies given above is also a list of ex-  In a Different Voice, on how men and women
             hausted world views. These are now has been       demonstrate different approaches to the moral
             ideas that have lost their cultural energy, that   life, and even such popular works as Deborah
             have been thoroughly critiqued, and that exist    Tannen’s  You  Just  Don’t  Understand:  Women
             primarily in college courses on “The History of   and Men in Conversation and John Gray’s Men
             Ideas: From the Eighteenth through the Early      Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.  Other
             Twentieth Century.”                               recent  major  neuroscience  based  support  for
             In the context of the death of modernism, let     major  sex  differences  include  Simon  Baron-
             us  look  at  feminism,  which  arose  in  the  mid   Cohen’s The essential difference (2003), Steven
             nineteenth  century  and  is  clearly  modern  in   Rhoads’ Taking sex differences seriously (2004),
             origin and character. The major ideas that had    Louann  Brizendine’s  The  female  brain  (2006)
             to develop first, before feminism, were indivi-   and The male brain (2010).  In short, egalitaria-
             dualism,  egalitarianism,  and  socialism/com-    nism in its extreme forms is decidedly on the
             munism. This is not the place to describe how     way out. For Christians to buy into this kind of
             these ideas lay the groundwork for feminism,      individualist egalitarian logic at such a late date
             but perhaps on some reflection it is obvious. In   is just another example of Christian intellectu-
             any case, many of the important feminists were    als trying to catch up with a dominant secular
             Marxists or socialists (for example, Simone de    trend—with timing that is absolutely abysmal.
             Beauvoir,  Rosa  Luxemburg,  Bella  Abzug,  and
             many others). Feminism took the basic idea of     Three Models of Sexuality
             class warfare and used a similar rationale to in-  Let us set aside these theological and historical
             terpret the conflicts between men and women.      considerations,  however  important  they  are.
             Marxism is known to be dead, or at least mor-     Our primary concern here is with the psycho-
             tally wounded. Socialism and the welfare sta-
             te are well past their peak and literally facing   2 For feminist claims to superiority, see M. Daly, Gyn-
             bankruptcy.  Individualism  has  been  criticized   Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism (Boston:
                                                               Beacon Press, 1990), especially 313-424; M. Daly, Pure
             for some thirty years, from both the left and the   Lust:  Elemental  Feminist  Philosophy  (San  Francisco:
             right - the left longs for community while the    Harper Collins, 1984). The general idea is that men are
             right (and sometimes the left) is now advoca-     aggressive,  warlike,  and  objectifiers  of  reality  and  of
             ting ethnic purity (as in former Yugoslavia and   others,  while  women  are  peaceful,  loving,  and  merged
             in some Black move¬ments), tribalism, or some     with or connected to others, and therefore morally supe-
                                                               rior. For a general historical summary of arguments for
             other localism.                                   feminist societies and matriarchy in the West, see P. G.
             As  for  egalitarianism,  it  too  is  being  rejected,   Davis, Goddess Unmasked: The Rise of Neo-Pagan Femi-
             even by many feminists. Modern feminism was       nist Spirituality (Dallas: Spence, 1998).
             very much about equality between men and wo-      3 C. Gilligan, In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory
             men and was opposed to any emphasis on diffe-     and  Women’s  Development  (Cambridge,  MA:  Harvard
                                                               University  Press,  1982).  J.  Gray,  Men  Are  from  Mars,
             rences between the sexes, but in the last fifteen   Women  Are  from  Venus  (New  York,  NY:  Harper  Col-
             years or so a new kind of feminism has arisen     lins, 1992). D. Tannen, You Just Don’t Understand: Wo-
             that might be called “post modern” feminism.      men and Men in Conversation (New York, NY: William
             These  feminists  very  much  emphasize  sexual   Morrow, 1990). S. Baron-Cohen, The essential difference:
             difference - indeed some of these radical femi-   Male and female brains and the truth about autism. (New
                                                               York, NY: Basic Books, 2003). S. E. Rhoads, Taking sex
             nists argue not only that women are different     differences  seriously.  (San  Francisco,  CA:  Rncounter
             from men but are psychologically and morally      Books,  2004).  Louann  Brizendine,  The  female  brain.
                                                               (New York, NY: Broadway Books, 2006); The male brain.
                                                               (New York, NY: Broadway Books, 2010).

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