Page 17 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 3
P. 17

The paper by Krasnoyarsk psychologist Marina Trufano-  направленного на восстановление жизненного
             va, „Practical investigation of the image of Mother of God   смысла.  (  книга  Ф.Е.Василюка  «Психология
             in Christian psychotherapy“, is a description of the psy-  переживания» была издана на английском языке
             chotherapeutic method based on the iconography of the   в США в 1992 г.). В статье, опубликованной в этом
             Blessed Virgin. In the group work with trauma, according   журнале, рассматриваются  возможные соотношения
             to the author, „it was certainly important that through   между процессами переживания и молитвы,
             the experience of the creative meetings with the image   влияние молитвы на переживание, в рамках данной
             of Mother of God, the clients‘ encounter with themselves   концепции  формулируется формула духовной
             took place, gaining inner support of faith and love.“  психотерапии  :“на  место  переживания  должна
             The personal identification technique „Matryoshka“ -   прийти  молитва“. Теоретические положения автор
             a kind of psychodrama technique of role-play games   иллюстрирует яркими примерами из литературы и
             that uses a traditional Russian toy - is presented by the   психотерапевтической практики.
             Moscow psychologists archpriest Andrey Lorgus and   Работа психотерапевта Елены Стриго «Психическая
             psychodramatherapist Viktor Semyonov. The method   реальность и образ Божий в христианской
             makes it easier to work with the depths of personality due   психотерапии»  раскрывает важность духовного
             to the special role of, the mediation of, a toy. The depth   измерения  в    христианской  психотерапевтической
             limit in this case is determined by the the client‘s willing-  практике.  Уделяя большое внимание  работе
             ness to look inward. For Christian Psychotherapy the le-  с психологической  травмой,   Елена Стриго
             vel of psychological depth is important, where a person   подчеркивает,  что  при  этом  важно  принимать  во
             can comprehend his relationship with God.         внимание не только традиционные для психологии
             The bibliodrama method has only recently come into the   клинические аспекты личностной диссоциации, но и
             practice of Christian psychologists in Russia. The first bi-  более глубокие уровни рассогласованности структур
             bliodrama session was held at the Institute of Christian   души, порождающие «боль души», такие как
             psychology in Moscow, and the development of the me-  несоответствие психической жизни образу Божьему,
             thod was also connected with Moscow ICP. The article by   данному каждой душе при сотворении.  Описывая
             Olga Krasnikova, „Bibliodrama in the Holy Land“, tells   различные  ипостаси  (тропосы)  человеческой
             about this new, but already popular, direction of psycho-  души, автор выделяет исцеляющую ипостась
             logical work. Its fruitfulness is evidenced by the feedback   как место приложения терапевтических усилий,
             of the participants in the travelling group «Bibliodrama   направленных на восстановление целостности души.
             in the Holy Land».                                В качестве иллюстрации рассматривается пример из
                                                               психотерапевтической практики.
             The traditional item of the journal, dedicated to the peo-
             ple of art, in this issue includes a photo essay with a brief
             comment, introducing readers to Aleksey Petrovich Art-
             sybushev - an artist, a true Christian who has suffered
             much for his faith, a man with a difficult life and amazing
             family history. Aleksey Artsybushev has already crossed
             the 90-year mark: in one of the interviews he said that
             the longer he lives, the more evident becomes for him the
             experience of living by faith, which he had witnessed as
             a child. He sees his task as keeping the memory of the
             people whom the Lord had given him as teachers, so he
             makes the effort, despite his advanced age, to meet peop-
             le, write, and publish books. To those who want to learn
             more about this remarkable man we recommend his
             book „The Mercy Door“.
                                                               Татьяна Ким,  психолог, преподаватель психологии
                                                               (клиническая и социальная психология) в Институте
             Presenting the articles from Russia in this issue, speaking   христианской психологии (Москва). Также преподает
             of the ways of Christian psychology in our country, of our   психологическую методику Эмоциональная логика.
             experience, we sincerely hope that, in coming to know   Среди профессиональных интересов: юнгианская
             more about each other, Christian psychologists from dif-  аналитическая психология, психология религии,
             ferent countries will proceed along the path of mutual   сравнительная мифология и религиоведение.
             understanding creatively, taking advantage of the gai-
             ned experience. Keeping in mind that ‚Unless the LORD   Tatiana Kim, psychologist, lecturer (clinical psychology,
             builds the house, those who build it labour in vain‘, we   social psychology) at the Institute of Christian Psycho-
             dedicate our efforts to the Lord, asking Him to bless our   logy (Moscow). The last two years is working with and
             common building of Christian psychology.          teaching  Emotional Logic at ICP. Professional interests:
                                                               psychology of religion, interreligious studies, analytical

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