Page 23 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 23
B.Psych. (APA Germiston), studies in Chris�an
psychology (IGNIS), psychotherapy (HeilprG),
Current tasks: 1st chairwoman of the IGNIS
Ins�tute, director and speaker in the training
course in Chris�an counseling, speaker in the
Emo�onal Logic program.
Monika Hess
Comment to
„The Transforma�ve Role of the Holy Spirit in Therapeu�c Healing for the Believing Pa�ent: An Inte-
gra�on of Psychological and Spiritual Dimension”
In his ar�cle, Miguel Ángel Alcarria describes Chris�an therapy approaches can, however,
the importance of a healthy spirituality for make a significant contribu�on to focussing on
mental health and stability and argues that the the exis�ng faith, taking it seriously and allowi-
inclusion of faith in therapeu�c processes ng it to become more mature and reflec�ve.
should be understood as a competence that They can create space for something to hap-
prospec�ve psychologists and therapists pen on the rela�onship level between God and
should learn more systema�cally in their trai- the client in that the therapist addresses this
ning programmes. I share his opinion and think rela�onship level and encourages honest, fear-
that the topic is now also being appreciated in free communica�on with God. The expecta�-
well-founded training programmes. It is possi- ons of the Chris�an therapist play an import-
ble to create space in therapeu�c work to re- ant role here: where he himself believes that
flect on one's own rela�onship with God and God can reveal himself and have a healing
to experience the resources of one's own faith effect, he creates space for God and directs the
as an anchor in acute life crises. Miguel Ángel client's gaze towards God. This also has the
Alcarria also describes how the healing re- effect that the sole fixa�on on one's own
sources of faith are not effec�ve for all people strengths or the fixa�on on the therapist and
who describe themselves as believers, ‘but his abili�es diminishes. Expecta�ons of healing
only for those who have an intrinsic, mature, and a solu�on can be shi�ed in a healing way
deep and authen�c faith’. so that people can emerge from excessive de-
In my experience, incorpora�ng faith into the- mands and God can come into play.
rapy can help people to build or rediscover People are at different points in their spiritual
such a health-promo�ng faith in their lives. In growth processes. Therapists should be sensi�-
doing so, I assume that faith itself is always a ve to this and refrain from correc�ng the client
gi� from God to us. We cannot create it, not in their understanding of God and their prac�-
even as therapists - we can only find it in our ce of faith. The therapeu�c dialogue is not the
clients as it is right now. primary place where people are taught their