Page 47 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 47

Maria Lorena Diez Canseco Briceño is
                                     Director of the Psychologist Department of
                                     the San Pablo Catholic University, Arequipa,
                                     Degrees in Psychology, Philosophy,
                                     Humani�es; Learning Problems, Child and
                                     Adolescent guidance and Counseling, and
                                     Family Psychotherapy

             Lorena Diez
           Canseco Briceño

        Comment to

        „Finding the Balance Between Self-Sacrifice and Self-Care in Rela�onships to
        Maintain Healthy Love Dynamics“

        In a very clear way, the ar�cle present to us the       tor for people’s deployment and also for the
        importance that it has for the well-being of a          establishment of a solid rela�onships based on
        person and for the progress of a healthy and            a reciprocal and true love that promotes the
        balanced roman�c rela�onship, the fact of               well-being of both persons. Taking as a star�ng
        knowing how to find the right balance bet-              point the achievement of the before men�o-
        ween self-sacrifice and self-care, meaning the          ned op�mal balance between self-sacrifice and
        right balance between the effort that someone           self-care, we understand that it is not about
        can and must make while looking forward the             one of these two taking precedence over the
        well-being of the other persona, and the effort         other, but rather, that it is important to help
        that is also necessary and important to carry           people to achieve a balance between both
        out for the own well-being.                             concepts and therefore finding different ways
                                                                of carrying out a rela�onship.
        The route taken in the ar�cle seems extremely           From a psychotherapeu�c perspec�ve, the ar-
        interes�ng to me, since it stands out how, from         �cle seeks – firstly – to know the causes that
        a Chris�an view of the world, people can mi-            explain the behaviour of people who put their
        stakenly consider self-sacrifice as a posi�ve be-       own interests ahead of those of others. Alt-
        haviour that can lead them to happiness in a            hough from a Chris�an view of the world, the-
        roman�c rela�onship with another human                  se people are considered altruis�c and there-
        being. From this lecture, we can conclude that          fore with a personal maturity level that leads
        the a�tude of service and the act of looking            them to serve and seek the good of others; it is
        forward the other’s person welfare, is not ne-          also known that this extreme service a�tude
        ga�ve, but rather, meaning that if this implies         with others that puts the own needs at risk,
        the neglect of own desires and needs and the            from a psychological approach, implies a series
        deteriora�on of the own iden�ty, in the long            of shortcomings, for example: the pressure ex-
        run it ends up being an extremely nega�ve fac-          perienced to sa�sfy people’s expecta�ons to

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