Page 48 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 48

maintain harmony in interrela�onships , the            provided goes beyond the approaches and
        low self-esteem behind these avoided conflict          schemes; since it involves working on changing
        behaviours, among other aspects that may be            the way of thinking and understanding reality
        due to different factors such as educa�on, past        for the person as it is and empathizing with the
        experiences and expecta�ons of society that            reality of other people, so a�er that, voluntari-
        values these behaviours posi�vely.                     ly, the person will be able to make specific
        The ar�cle clearly explains the nega�ve conse-         changes on how to relate with others; in that
        quences for the person and for an affec�ve re-         way I consider that the psychotherapist beco-
        la�onship that this type of postponement of            mes vitally important, as they have to be able
        oneself brings, and I personally consider this to      to create an atmosphere of trust with the pa�-
        be utmost importance and necessity, and is one         ent. So that the pa�ent could change the own
        of the great contribu�ons in the ar�cle, since         mental schemes and internalize the benefits
        by taking into account these nega�ve conse-            that his internal changes, a�tude and beha-
        quences, it can be understood that the self-sa-        viour will bring to his life – not only for himself,
        crifice has been misunderstood and therefore           but also for those who surround him. This even
        put into prac�ce in a wrong way, which has led         includes the change of paradigms and beliefs as
        to dependent and unhealthy rela�onships,               posi�ve as the understanding of the life of ser-
        which generates nega�ve emo�onal rela�ons-             vice to others that the Chris�an life implies; the
        hips, where abuse and submission become                therapist must know how to iden�fy and pro-
        aspects that harms the people involved, both           pose certain changes; without leading to the
        the couple and the rest of the family, like child-     reduc�on of beliefs of this type, but rather,
        ren who can imitate certain pa�erns of beha-           being able to help the person to internalize the
        viour and internalize them, crea�ng a beha-            true meaning of service and a�en�on to
        vioural pa�ern that can be rooted through              others, where phrases as “love thy neighbour
        �me.                                                   as thyself” shows us the true meaning of self-
        Considering the nega�ve consequences that              sacrifice and self-care, and also the importance
        the misunderstood self-sacrifice brings to the         of reaching a balance between both. Another
        life of a persona and to society, is that psycholo-    important aspect to consider is that “no one gi-
        gical interven�on is extremely necessary to            ves what they do not have”, therefore self-care
        help the person achieve an authen�c self-              and the search for personal development are
        knowledge, so that from this recogni�on the            crucial before seeking to serve others.
        person would be able to establish limits in rela-
        �onships, which will allow a certain autonomy          I personally congratulate Patrycja Ewa Longawa
        and care for the own iden�ty. At this point, psy-      for wri�ng such and interes�ng and important
        chotherapy helps a lot, since it is considered an      ar�cle, which presents us a topic that involves
        art: the way of approaching others, maintaining        improving the love rela�onships between two
        affec�ve rela�onships that will become healthy         people who, by crea�ng a harmonious and ba-
        and beneficial for personal deployment; and            lanced family, will contribute posi�vely to the
        since many �mes people cannot achieve said             good development of society, furthermore by
        objec�ves with their own tools.                        considering the topic of self-sacrifice and self-
        In that way, the author of the Ar�cle Patrycja         care from a Chris�an and psychological
        Ewa Longawa, presents different therapeu�c             perspec�ve, it gives us a significant contribu�-
        points of view, and interven�on schemes that           on for the integra�on between psychology and
        can be of great help while trying to achieve this      Chris�anity, which I consider very necessary
        goal; however, the effec�veness of the help            nowadays.

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