Page 83 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 2
P. 83

Christian Psychotherapy

                    Receiving forgiveness                                                Forgiving

             I  decide that  God  and  my  fellow  man      I.              I want to look precisely and holistically
             may/should show me my guilt precisely    Decision to draw      at the guilt of the “wrong-doer” towards
             and holistically (cognition and emoti-        up               me and thus also at the bad experiences
             on). The Holy Spirit will not demand   f   the accounts        (cognition and emotion)
             more than I can give nor will he expose   f  Light             Often even against inner resistance, from
             me                                         Uncovering          an awareness that it is necessary
                              f                                                              f
             I allow myself to be convicted and accept                      I specify the guilt of the “wrong-doer” as
             the judgement of guilty, refrain from “ex-     II.  f          I experience it subjectively, and I search
             cuses”, capitulate.                      Drawing up the  f     for the objective biblical term/descripti-
             The old man resists recognising this        accounts           on.
                                                         („logos“)          Trust in God and man is necessary for
                                                          Truth             this

                     Here feelings such as unease, revulsion, anxiety, shame, wrath, pain, malicious joy will normally arise.
                     Often, one will go down each side several times with different themes and increasing depth of heart.

             I allow God’s love, including His pain       Mercy,            I experience God’s love/presence as
             over my union with sin (2 Cor. 7, 10) to    „Bowels“,          comfort/healing and can approach the
             have access to me.                     f   (i.e. attitude  f   wrong-doer with God’s mercy (the left
             Only then is it possible to form a true self-  including feeling)  side is the precondition, so that I under-
             confidence.                              Love, kindness,       stand that I am no better).

             I accept that God releases me from the                         I accept that God releases him/her from
             law of sin:                                   IV.              the law of sin:
             •   instead of “I am/remain like this”, “I/  Liberating,       •   instead of “he is/remains like this”,
                God can change me” applies;             Releasing,              “he /God can change him” applies;
             •   instead of “As a Christian one/I am      Grace             •   instead of “he/it cannot be like this”,
                not allowed to be like this”, “I am /    Healing                “he/it is (so far/at the moment) like
                he is (so far/at the moment) like                               this” applies.
                this” applies.                                              I forgo all demands and, as a result, be-
             God prepares the best path for me without                      come free to have hope for the other per-
             forcing me to go along it.                                     son.

             I experience freedom from past guilt and   Inner reconcili-    I can see/experience the other person
             freedom for a new beginning.                 ation             without his guilt, independent or separa-
             For God, my sin no longer exists!        Cancelling debt /     ted from his guilt.
                                                       dismissing it        I no longer need to remember, involuntari-
                                                         Renewal            ly and painfully, what I suffered!

                         Only now is it possible to have a truly objective attitude/view of myself and the other person!
                           Only now do I see the other without sin. Sin, however, is always accompanied by lies.

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