Page 115 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 2
P. 115


              The lecturers
             1.  Soyolmaa Enchbat (Mongolia) psychologist, director
                of the Psychological Centre, Master of science at the
                Mongolian National University.
             2.  Rev. Andrey Lorgus (Russia), psychologist, rector
                of the Institute of Christian Psychology in Moscow,
                Dean of the Psychological Faculty
             3.  Elena Strigo (Russia) psychologist, psychotherapist,
                Head of Psychological Counseling Centre ABIGAIL,
                Krasnoyarsk, Russia
             4.  Krzysztof Wojcieszek (Poland), molecular biologist,
                philosopher, Warsaw School of Human Sciences “Pe-
             5.  Charles Zeiders (USA) Psychologist, Diplomate in
                Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy; Chair, Think Tank
                for Christian Holism, Adjunct Professor, Pastoral
                and Theological Studies, Neumann University; www.  fot. (Stare Miasto Filip Kwiatkowski)Warsaw Tourist Office  Archive

             Proposals of short presentations (10-20 min) can be sent
             by participants to Werner May by
             e-mail: .

             Our conference room will be in the Primate’s Palace, Se-
             natorska Str. 13/15, (English
             version). The Palace is located very close to the Old Town.
             Bus 175 from the airport Okęcie in Warsaw.
             Symposium fee is 120 EURO, to be paid in cash during
             Discounts can be applied.
             Other costs (travels, lunch, dinner) - each participant will
             pay his own costs.                                fot. (Stare Miasto Filip Kwiatkowski)Warsaw Tourist Office  Archive
             Cost of lunch can be about 30-40 PLN = 8-10 euro, din-
             ner about 60 PLN = 15 euro.
             1 euro = about 4,0 PLN (at present).

             If you intend coming please send an e-mail to Anna Ost-
             aszewska informing  of
             your intention.
             If you need an official invitation, please send your request
             and data to Anna Ostaszewska.

             Anna Ostaszewska, Łowicka Str. 54/8, 02-531 Warsaw,
             Poland, phone: (0048-22) 849 06 04, mobile: +48 691 945
             649, e-mail

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