Page 120 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 2
P. 120
Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
Through the years, Christian theologians, bible scholars, as a “place” where Christian social scientists can “go” to
practical ministers and philosophers have all contributed, expand the scope of their rationality at the boundary of
in their own unique way, to our rich Christian traditi- the social sciences.
on. Each has presented a perspective that has helped us More specifically, this will mean that Christian soci-
live and serve, in practical ways, closer to the will of God. al scientists contributing to The EMCAPP Journal will
It is exciting to see so many great thinkers in Christian have new opportunities to help accomplish three critical
psychology, from all over the world, adding to this rich goals. First, they will be able to publish projects that more
heritage. The cultural diversity of The EMCAPP Journal clearly articulate Christian rationality within the chaotic
will help many of us in the United States generate a more incommensurability of the present. They may use soci-
culturally relevant product as it challenges the cultural al scientific procedures, for example, to operationalize
bias that comes so naturally. I also appreciate that it is Christian beliefs and thus use empirical evidence to offer
an Internet Journal and the immediacy with which it can ever more compelling demonstrations of Christian ratio-
reach a vast audience. As I read the various articles on nality. Second, they will use Christian frameworks to eva-
Christian psychology in the most recent journal I disco- luate the “rationality” of the naturalistic social sciences.
vered insights that sparked a renewal in my own personal Sometimes, Christian frameworks will explain how social
work toward a distinct Christian psychology. My deepest scientific observations usefully clarify Christian forms of
gratitude goes out to those who have brought us this jour- understanding. Other times, Christian arguments will
nal and all of the contributors. My prayer is that all of us, suggest that the social sciences inappropriately attempt to
as we work toward a common goal, be motivated by love explain faith away and thus engage in an attempted “colo-
and to the glory of God. nization” of religion that can receive no ultimate philoso-
phical justification. Third and finally, contributors to The
Jay Kidwell, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology / Psychology Chair, EMCAPP Journal will want to develop and use empirical
Cincinnati Christian University, Cincinnati, Ohio USA
methodologies that bring Christian and social scientific
rationalities into direct dialog. Such procedures will help
Christians identify which social scientific observations
are compatible with, incompatible with, or irrelevant to
their own rationality.
In summary, Christian social scientists everywhere
Publication of The EMCAPP Journal will make invalua- should be excited about the publication of The EMCAPP
ble contributions to Christians working in the social sci- Journal. They will surely want to contribute their own
ences. In recent decades, influential philosophical argu- work to this this journal and to read its absolutely essen-
ments have described contemporary social life in terms tial contributions to the articulation of the loving Christi-
of a chaos of incommensurable rationalities. Incommen- an rationality that the world so desperately needs.
surable rationalities emerge from commitments to diffe- P. J. Watson
rent ultimate standards. For Christians, that standard will U. C. Foundation Professor of Psychology, University of Ten-
be the vision of God based upon the life of Christ. For the nessee at Chattanooga, U.S.A.
social sciences, that standard will be an at least implicit Editor – Edification: The Transdisciplinary Journal of Christian
and sometimes explicit reading of nature as the ultimate Psychology
reality. Christian “rationality” will appear in successful
efforts to bring observations about life into conformity
with the standard represented by Christ. Social scientific
“rationality” will appear in interpretations of observa-
tions that are consistent with ontological naturalism.
So why is publication of The EMCAPP Journal so impor- Thank you and well done for producing the first editi-
tant? Christian social scientists must struggle to work at on of what may well become one of the most important
the boundary between two rationalities. They will want to journals of the 21st century for psychologists who are
maintain their ultimate commitments to Christ, but also also Christians. After a lengthy period of gestation this
remain open to the legitimate insights of the naturalistic Journal documents some of the different approaches and
social sciences. Incommensurable rationalities, inciden- ideas of Christians who study human behaviour in sick-
tally, will not be wholly incompatible; so, some social sci- ness and in health.
entific observations will indeed be legitimate, with others
instead being incompatible with or irrelevant to Chris- Over the last 25 years many of us have struggled to ex-
tian rationality. Hence, The EMCAPP Journal will serve
plore and develop approaches to mental and spiritual ill-