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                                                                                European Movement for Christian
                                                                                    Anthropology, Psychology
                                                                                       and Psychotherapy

                                   The 11th Symposium of EMCAPP

                                     Warsaw, 3. - 6. September 2012

                                      PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY

             EMCAPP brings together international leaders and pioneers in the field of Christian psychology and
                                      psychotherapy and its underlying anthropology.

                                      Program – design April 2012

             Monday, 3.9.12.                                   Wednesday, 5.9.12.
             15.00 Welcome and participants’ registration      Chairperson: Toni Terho (Finland)
             16.00 Symposium opening and prayer.               10.00 Morning session
             Participants introduce  themselves  and  their institutions:   Prayer times
             works, challenges, plans                          10.10 Group work to the lecture by Charles Zeiders from
             • The Treasure of EMCAPP ( Anna Ostaszewska, Poland /   the perspectives of a) Christian anthropology, b) Christi-
             Werner May, Germany)                              an psychology and c) Christian psychotherapy
             •  The  Treasure  of  WMCAPP  (Werner  May,  Germany  /   11.00 Coffee break
             Anna Ostaszewska, Poland)                         11.20 Summary reports with discussion from the 3 groups
             19.00-21.00 Dinner                                12.20 Comments and additions to the lecture of the mor-
                                                               ning from a Orthodox perspective by E. Strigo (Russia)
             Thuesday, 4.9.12.                                 13.00 open Lunchtime
             Chairperson: Anna Ostaszewska (Poland)            14.30 Afternoon session
             10.00 Morning session                             Chairperson:  Werner May (Germany)
             Prayer times                                      14.35 Soyolma Enchbat (Mongolia): Family trainings -
             10.10 Krzysztof Wojcieszek (Poland): What is love – the   Community Psychology in Practice
             most important human need                         15.30 Coffee break
             10.30 A. Lorgus (Russia): The person in Orthodox view  16.00 Short presentations (10-20 min) by participants.
             11.00 Coffee break                                - Psychology of Religion Limitations by Romuald Jawor-
             11.20 Group work to both lectures from the perspectives of   ski (Poland)
             a) Christian anthropology,                        - If emotions are purely physical, why and how does the
             b) Christian psychology and                       God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob have them? by Tre-
             c) Christian psychotherapy                        vor Griffith (Great Britain)
             12.20 Summary reports with discussion from the 3 groups  - Christian psychology: A personalistic approach by Ze-
             13.00 open Lunch time                             non Uchnast (Poland)
             14.30 Afternoon session                           - Echotherapy by Francesco Cutino (Italy)
             Chairperson: Elena Strigo (Russia)                -  Scientific  Researches  on  Christian  Psychotherapy  by
             14.35 Charles Zeiders (USA): Christian Holism as a Spiri-  Anna Ostaszewska (Poland)
             tuality of Psychotherapy – Part 1                 17.30 Another sightseeing walk around Warsaw. Dinner.
             15.30 Coffee break
             15.50 Discussion                                  Thursday, 6.9.12.
             16.20 Charles Zeiders (USA): Christian Holism as a Spiri-  Chairperson: Werner May (Germany)
             tuality of Psychotherapy – Part 2                 10.00 Prayer times
             17.30 A sightseeing walk around Warsaw. Dinner.   Short presentations (10-20 min) by participants (Conti-
                                                               nued from yesterday)
                                                               Feedback to the Symposium
                                                               12.00 End of the Symposium

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