Page 4 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 4

The first 18 numbers of the eJournal

            Christian Psychology Around The World

        The EMCAPP Journal “The Chris�an Psychology Around the World” is published in Germany, the
        main editor is Werner May. Since 2011 the internet bilingual Journal is published two �mes a year.
        The authors of ar�cles and comments are psychologists, psychotherapists and scien�sts from diffe-
        rent countries of the world.
        This journal is publishes by the European Movement for Chris�an Anthropology, Psychology and Psy-
        chotherapy in coopera�on with the IGNIS-Akademie für Christliche Psychologie.

        JOURNAL NO. 1   -   2012   JOURNAL NO. 2   -   2012   JOURNAL NO. 3   -   2013   JOURNåAL NO. 4  -   2013
        Poland                     Germany                    Russia                     Switzerland

        JOURNAL NO. 5   -   2014   JOURNAL NO. 6   -   2015   JOURNAL NO. 7   -   2015   JOURNAL NO. 8   -   2016
        USA                        Finland                    Cananda                    South Africa

        JOURNAL NO. 9   -   2016   JOURNAL NO. 10  -   2017   JOURNAL NO. 11  -   2018   JOURNAL NO. 12   -  2019
        Focus Topic: „Therapy Goals“  „Conscience“            „Who is leading me during prac�cing  „Chris�an iden�ty“
                                                              Chris�an Psychology?“

        JOURNAL NO. 13   -  2019   JOURNAL NO. 14  -   2020   JOURNAL NO. 15  -   2020   JOURNAL NO. 16 -    2021
        Body Aspects in Chris�an Psychology, Psy-  „Coping with Stress in Theory and Prac�ce  “Basic trust and secure a�achment - Chris-  „A Chris�an Perspec�ve on the True Self
        chotherapy and Counseling  of Chris�an Psychology“    �an anthropological, educa�onal and psy-  and False Self“
                                                              chotherapeu�c aspects.“

        JOURNAL NO. 17  -   2022   JOURNAL NO. 18  -   2022
        „Situa�ng Grief in Redemp�ve History for  „Ways out of the Shame-Fear Cycle“
        the Sake of Joy“
                                                                           See here: h�ps://

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