Page 66 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 66

construc�on of person in Chris�an psychothe-           perienced in the feelings room and perfor-
        rapy. The author argues that the aim of Chris�-        mance, based on choice and thinking in the
        an therapy is the reconstruc�on and recrea�on          other rooms. The author argues that the gro-
        of the anthropological image of pa�ents in             wing experience of living as the Father’s be-
        accordance with their base nature as human             loved is reflected in each of these rooms. The
        beings. This means that the therapeu�c recon-          author offers a prac�cal model and metaphor
        struc�on of a person in Chris�an therapy invol-        for the integra�on of Chris�an faith and psy-
        ves uncovering and fulfilling the image and li-        chotherapy. She phrased it eloquently in the
        keness of God in the person. The author further        following statement: “The heart-house model
        explores the concepts of good and evil and ar-         offers an integra�ve Chris�an approach to psy-
        gues that the interrela�on of nature and person        chotherapy and counseling by bringing to-
        unfolds itself in the explora�on of the pa�ent’s       gether several theories with the Word of God.”
        personality by means of the symbolic power of
        a “moral word.” The author refers to Luke              The ar�cle wri�en by Marja�a Ollikainen des-
        22:47-53 as a perfect example of the ac�on of          cribes a case study and psychotherapeu�c pro-
        the moral word spoken by Jesus Christ when he          cess with a trauma survivor who has both type
        said to Judas: “Would you betray the Son of            A and B trauma with both physical and psycho-
        Man with a kiss?” Here Jesus Christ provides an        logical symptoms. The author emphasised that
        example of the pure, conscious, definite moral         the actual therapy is embedded in the thera-
        assessment of the situa�on, taken as a whole,          peu�c rela�onship. The therapy starts with
        without any sign of aggression, violence, hatred       crea�ng a rela�onship that provides a safe
        or loss of control.                                    space and trust. The author integrated several
                                                               theories and approaches in the case study with
        The ar�cle wri�en by Andrey Lorgus focuses on          the main model being the Trauma-Informed
        intrapersonal conflict as a collision of different     Stabiliza�on Treatment (TIST) model. The mo-
        basic needs. The author ar�culate that the fun-        del is effec�ve in trea�ng clients who have ad-
        damental personality model, at least in psycho-        dic�ons and self-destruc�ve behavior. The aut-
        therapy, is based in as to be (existence) and to       hor discusses the defenses and coping mecha-
        achieve self-worth. He further states that to          nisms as well as the themes that emerged du-
        some extent they correlate with Maslow’s hier-         ring therapy.
        archy of needs model and Langle’s fundamental
        mo�va�ons. The author presents a new ap-               Pawel Surma and Malgorzata Surma focuses
        proach to basic needs based on a phenomeno-            on a 12 Steps recovery workshop as a method
        logical picture of intrapersonal conflicts. He         to integrate spirituality into the praxis of psy-
        provides a graphic scheme of basic needs and           chotherapy. The authors discuss how they pre-
        argues that intrapersonal conflict arises when         sent the program as a prac�cal means of inte-
        these need pull in different direc�ons. It can         gra�ng Chris�an spirituality into the recovery
        lead to complex conflicts, for example, when           process. The message of the 12-step program is
        one basic need gives rise to several different         analysed with an emphasis on spiritual growth.
        strategies for its implementa�on, which are in         The 12 Steps Living to the Full – recovery work-
        conflict with each other, it creates ambivalence.      shop has its roots in a Chris�an fellowship foun-
        The author further explores the resolu�on for          ded in 1921 by a Lutheran minister, Frank Buch-
        this conflict by means of case studies.                man. The authors point out that the main em-
                                                               phasis of the group was on developing a perso-
        Ulla Dahlen developed a model, the Heart-              nal bond with God by surrendering to Him who-
        House model, based on the Hebrew word lebh             leheartedly. The underlying principles of the
        and the metaphor of a house. The model is en-          work of the group were applied by the authors
        capsulated in the discourse in her ar�cle. The         to develop a recovery workshop that focuses on
        meaning of lebh is heart, and refers to feelings,      advancing the spiritual growth of the par�ci-
        thinking and voli�on. These aspects of the             pants.
        heart are the rooms in the house. Anxiety is ex-

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