Page 63 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 63
This second volume on a Chris�an approach to
psychotherapy and counseling, compiled by
members of the European Movement for Chris-
�an Anthropology, Psychology and Psychothe-
rapy (EMCAPP), contains significant contribu�-
ons from various Chris�an psychologists and
theologians prac�cing in the Europa and South
Africa. The board of EMCAPP decided to publish
a second volume fielding a Biblical perspec�ve
on various mental health challenges to s�mula-
te further discussion and development of this
approach. The book could also be a resource for
Chris�an mental health professionals and stu-
The first volume, �tled Psychology and Psycho-
therapy in the Perspec�ve of Chris�an Anthro-
pology, contains various essays from European-
based prac��oners in the fields of psychology,
psychotherapy and counseling. In this volume
Chris�an anthropology is ar�culated as a foun-
da�on for the theories, approaches and techni-
ques applied in prac�ce by its contributors. The
authors drew from scien�fic knowledge from
the fields of psychology, psychotherapy and
Professor Dr Nicolene Joubert theology, focusing on intra-psychic aspects of
has been a counseling psychologist in private human func�oning as well as interpersonal and
prac�ce for 39 years, specializing in Chris�an eco-systemic func�oning. The authors consider
psychology and psychotherapy, trauma thera- spirituality as an intrinsic part of human func�-
py and family counseling. She is the founder of oning through which persons seek meaning and
the Ins�tute of Chris�an Psychology in South transcendence. A wide range of topics are cove-
Africa, a training ins�tu�on that offers courses red in volume I, which lay a founda�on for a Eu-
in Chris�an psychology and counseling. She is ropean-based discourse on Chris�an psycho-
an adjunct professor at Houston Bap�st Uni- logy and psychotherapy. In volume II the dis-
versity, Houston, Texas, USA where she deve- course con�nues and is advanced through a
lops and teaches Chris�an psychology and collec�on of dis�nguished scholarly ar�cles.
counseling courses. She is the chairperson of
the Council for Pastoral and Spiritual Counse- The first ar�cle wri�en by Nicolene L. Joubert
lors (CPSC) in South Africa. She is also a post- presents a Biblical perspec�ve on global collec-
graduate supervisor at the South African Theo- �ve trauma, resilience and social transforma�-
logical Seminary (SATS) for MA Th and PhD stu- on. The author explains the impact of collec�ve
dents. trauma on society and presents an analysis of
COVID-19 as a collec�ve trauma. The Russian-