Page 64 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 64

Ukraine war is men�oned as the most recent             down and the people began to readjust to post-
        collec�ve trauma to hit the world.                     Corona life with a be�er future in sight, Russia
        Collec�ve trauma is viewed as a cataclysmic            invaded the Ukraine on 24 February 2022. At
        event that sha�ers the basic fabric of social life     the �me of this wri�ng the conflict is escala�ng
        and o�en damages the bonds a�aching people             causing mass trauma due to war crimes, disap-
        together. It impairs the prevailing sense of com-      pearances of thousands of people, loss of lives,
        munity and safety. It could also lead to commu-        displacement of millions and the threat to the
        ni�es pulling together in solidarity to support        energy and food resources for the world. Many
        each other. Currently the world is s�ll reeling        countries stepped in to provide shelter and me-
        from COVI-19 pandemic and threatened by a              dical assistance to refugees.
        second disaster, the Russian-Ukraine invasion.
        COVID-19 is in the disillusion phase of disaster,      The impact of the two collec�ve trauma�c
        i.e., addi�onal resources and support are being        events on all sectors of life globally is not fully
        pulled out of communi�es and people are le�            understood yet. Researchers have studied the
        to find their own solu�ons. The Russian-Ukrai-         effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and there is
        ne war is in the third stage of disaster, which is     no doubt that it caused severe losses worldwi-
        described as the heroic stage. During this stage       de and tore at the very fabric of society. Re-
        many organiza�ons step in to support vic�ms            search on the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian
        and provide resources. During all stages it is im-     invasion is ongoing, but the trauma�c effect of
        portant to help sufferers to develop the               war is well known and there is no doubt that
        perspec�ve that the trauma would end as it             millions of people are suffering.
        creates hope. In this ar�cle a biblical perspec�-
        ve is presented to encourae clients to believe         In this ar�cle the author looks at the social, psy-
        that the trauma would end and to ins�ll hope.          chological and financial fallout caused by the
        The world is s�ll recovering from COVID-19             pandemic. This is juxtaposed with collec�ve
        pandemic and many countries have not recove-           trauma narra�ves of ancient Israel. Based on
        red fully on financial-, social- and health care le-   these narra�ves and the way Israel responded
        vels. The pandemic caught the world by surpri-         and found hope in YHWH, the author presents
        se and the healthcare systems were not prepa-          a therapeu�c ac�on plan.
        red for the sudden transmission of the Corona
        virus detected in Wuhan, China for the first           The next ar�cle is wri�en by K.A. Wojcieszek.
        �me in December 2019. The spread of the virus          He focuses on community as our real home.
        led to a pandemic, which resulted in mass trau-        The author asserts that love is our deepest vo-
        ma. While the COVID pandemic was slowing               ca�on and should be the founda�on for this

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