Page 27 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 27

V. Rev. Dr. Gregory Jensen is a priest of the Ukrainian Ortho-
                                                 dox Church USA and has a Ph.D. in spirituality and spiritual
                                                 forma�on from Duquesne University in Pi�sburgh, PA.
                                                 His more than 15 years of pastoral experience with all aspects of
                                                 clergy sexual misconduct includes inves�ga�ng allega�ons,
                                                 cra�ing disciplinary plans, advoca�ng for vic�ms, and helping
                                                 parishes in transi�on a�er an offending pastor is removed.
                                                 Currently, he is the priest of Ss Cyril & Methodius Ukrainian
                                                 Orthodox Church and a professor at St Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox
                                                 Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ. He is also the
                                                 chaplain for Orthodox students at Wisconsin-Madison.

                                                 Former contribu�on here:

        To Love Because We Have First Been Loved by God

        Bernard of Clairvaux’s Psychology of Love

        For 12th century monk, preacher, and spiritual          ture and our sinful condi�on, this last stage of
        author, Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), love          love is “something [we] may [only] hope to
        of God, neighbor, and self are interconnected.          possess… or rather to be possessed by” in hea-
        In On Loving God, he argues that love is “not a         ven. Rather than seeing this as nega�ve, it is
        contract” but “an affec�on of the soul” that            for Bernard a source of compassion for self and
        arises not “from mere agreement” but sponta-            others and a reminder of the joy that awaits us
        neously. Love’s true reward is the beloved, not         in the Kingdom of God. Love’s eschatological
        any external benefits.                                  fulfillment is a theme he returns to in his ser-
        A keen psychologist of the spiritual life, Ber-         mons of the Song of Songs. Here he discusses
        nard iden�fies four stages in love:                     love as affect or “of feeling,” which no one can
        1) I love myself for the sake of myself,                order or fulfill “in the measure required.” Love
        2) I love God out of a recogni�on of my need            is also a behavior or doing—this makes love “a
        for Him,                                                command to be carried out” in faithful obe-
        3) I love God in gra�tude for His many gi�s to          dience to God. While “our natural desires” in-
        me, and                                                 spire us to love apart from the right reason,
        4) I come to love myself because God has first          they also “degrade” love. And while love “go-
        loved me.                                               verned by reason” is “enduring,” it is “arid.”
                                                                Both forms of love are necessary but insuffi-
        To transcend the constraints of a “nature… frail        cient because, ul�mately, love finds its fulfill-
        and weak,” the soul “has to love itself first.” It      ment only in the beloved (both divine and hu-
        is only then, by stages, that one can ascend to         man). Therefore, love is ul�mately a gi� to be
        the love of God and eventually “oneself only            received by the “full maturity” of which “is re-
        for God’s sake.” Given the limits of human na-          served to future bliss” in the Kingdom of God.

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