Page 23 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 16
P. 23

faith in Jesus Christ. As I say in the second     Daniel:  How  is  narcissism  related  to  the
             to last paragraph of the article, „Fostering      false self?
             the true self is fundamentally a task of for-
             ming and reforming individuals’ values and        Brett: I am not an expert on narcissism, nor
             beliefs.  The  values  and  beliefs  that  effec-  have a studied it in any depth. However, I
             tively promote true self-understanding are        would  say  that  narcissism  cannot  thrive
             those that direct people toward what they         without a very strong false self-understan-
             truly need: life and wellbeing in God. To de-     ding. For someone with narcissistic perso-
             light in the Lord for satisfaction is a value     nality disorder, the false self would be so
             that is intrinsic to human nature, as basic       ingrained as to be all but invisible to him
             to being human as breathing or eating (see        or her.
             Ps 37:4) ... Fostering the true self can occur
             through  several  different  modes  of  inter-    I talked with a friend of mine who has stu-
             ventions, but in order to be effective they       died  both  narcissism  and  the  false  self,
             must  always  be  aimed  at  conforming  in-      asking her about how the two relate. She
             dividuals’ values and beliefs to those that       made  some  good  points  that  express  my
             God designed for humans to possess, that          thoughts  as  well,  although  neither  of  us
             is, to those that reflect the intrinsic value of   are experts: „Someone who thinks only of
             depending on God.“ The question then be-          themselves cannot empathize with the pain
             comes, „How do we depend on God?“. We             of others, especially if it means they may
             can answer that only by following Jesus, the      look bad. They tend to have certain beha-
             Son of God, who did not live in the shadows       viors they exhibit where they react in this
             of the false self, but who walked with God        narcissistic triad--sometimes showing up as
             in utter trust and dependence. Jesus alone        Perpetrator, other times Rescuer, and then
             shows us what it means to „fear the Lord“         other times the Victim. As far as it relates
             and to „love the Lord with all your heart,        to the false self, I would suggest all narcis-
             soul, mind, and strength.“ If we follow him       sists are living lives completely devoted to
             very long, he‘ll eventually force us to deci-     the  false  self.  Sometimes  narcissists  can
             de: will we continue trying to save our own       change, but the humility it takes to change
             lives by hiding in our false selves, or will we   often is not something true narcissists are
             take up our cross and follow him?                 even capable of.“ (Sharla Goings, Regional
                                                               Coordinator for The Cross Ministry Group,
                                                               personal correspondence, 08/23/21.)

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