Page 20 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 16
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it is good to seek true self-understanding,       Johnson, Eric L. Foundations for Soul Care:
             we should take care not to gaze most on           A Christian Psychology Proposal. Downers
             ourselves, but on Jesus. We are not able to       Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2007.
             search out ourselves by ourselves, nor can        Kierkegaard,  Søren.  The  Sickness  unto
             we  fully  trust  our  own  searching,  but  we   Death: A Christian Psychological Exposition
             can trust God’s searching of us as we open        for Upbuilding and Awakening. Translated
             ourselves more and more to him.                   by H. V. Hong and E. H. Hong. Princeton, NJ:
                                                               Princeton University Press, 1983.
             References                                        The  Essential  Kierkegaard.  Edited  by  Ho-
             Augustine. Confessions. Edited by Michael         ward V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Princeton,
             P. Foley. Translated by F. J. Sheed. 2nd ed.      NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000.’
             Indianapolis: Hackett, 2006.                      Merton,  Thomas.  Contemplative  Prayer.
             The City of God. Translated by Marcus Dods.       New York: Herder and Herder, 1969.
             New York: Modern Library, 1950.                   New  Seeds  of  Contemplation.  New  York:
             Bayer,  Oswald.  Martin  Luther’s  Theology:      New Directions, 2007.
             A Contemporary Interpretation. Translated         Winnicott, D.W. Home Is Where We Start
             by Thomas H. Trapp. Grand Rapids: Eerd-           from: Essays by a Psychoanalyst. Edited by
             mans, 2008.                                       Clare Winnicott, Ray Shepherd, and Made-
             Harter, Susan. “Authenticity.” In Handbook        leine Davis. New York: Norton, 1986.
             of Positive Psychology, edited by C. R Sny-       “Mind  and  Its  Relation  to  the  Psyche-So-
             der and Shane J. Lopez. New York: Oxford          ma.” In Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Ana-
             University Press, 2002.                           lysis, 243–54. New York: Basic Books, 1975.
             The Construction of the Self: Developmen-
             tal and Sociocultural Foundations. 2nd ed.
             New York: Guilford, 2012.

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