Page 19 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 16
P. 19

wellbeing  in  God.  To  delight  in  the  Lord   individuals  should  give  secretly;  when
             for satisfaction is a value that is intrinsic to   praying,  they  should  pray  in  a  room  with
             human nature, as basic to being human as          closed doors; and when fasting, they should
             breathing or eating (see Ps 37:4).                hide the signs of fasting by anointing their
             Thus,  promoting  individuals’  true  self-un-    head and washing their face. By practicing
             derstanding  requires  drawing  them  back        righteousness before God (and him alone),
             to  a  creational  value  system.  In  children   individuals conform their values and beliefs
             and the young especially, it entails instilling   to the truth that behaving in the ways that
             the value of “delighting in the Lord” early       God esteems (and not merely other peop-
             in  their  development  and  teaching  them       le) brings delight.
             how God is the loving Father and gracious         Another  strategy  that  could  be  used  by
             giver of all good things. In those who have       counselors and other caregivers is in the re-
             become moral agents, and thus sinners, it         lational modality. Relational therapy works
             especially entails deconstructing old sinful      to re-forge the representations of self and
             values and beliefs that contravene depen-         other that people have previously formed,
             dence on God.                                     and in this way it can help them experience
             Fostering the true self can occur through se-     a right and true relationship with God. Sa-
             veral different modes of interventions, but       fety, support, genuine care, and confiden-
             in order to be effective they must always         tiality are requisite qualities of the relatio-
             be aimed at conforming individuals’ values        nal counselor. The relational modality can
             and beliefs to those that God designed for        help  validate  individuals’  authentic  need
             humans  to possess, that is, to those that        for communion with God and dependence
             reflect the intrinsic value of depending on       on him, as Johnson (2007) puts it: “The de-
             God. Since this value has been obscured by        velopment of a healthy human relationship
             sin and false self-understanding, a criterion     with a mature, loving soul caregiver can be
             for  interventions  that  promote  this  value    a catalyst for a breakthrough in one’s rela-
             must be relied upon in addition to human          tionship  with  God,  as  one  experiences—
             reasoning and experience, so that interven-       perhaps  for  the  first  time—a  concrete,
             tions and their progress can be objectively       healing  exemplification  of  God’s  love  and
             evaluated; that criterion is God’s revelation     holiness.”
             in Scripture, specifically the message of the     Ultimately,  God  is  the  final  cause  of  suc-
             gospel, which communicates God’s grace in         cessful  interventions,  because  he  utilizes
             the most concentrated and effulgent form          his powers to support the work from all si-
             (i.e., the cross).                                des: equipping the individual from within,
             Interventions  must  be  “gospel  interventi-     sending  other  people  to  help  them  from
             ons” that expose the false self, with its faul-   without, and providing his Word as a “living
             ty system of sinful values and beliefs, and       and active” revealer of people’s hearts and
             that internalize gospel values and beliefs.       as the criterion for progress.
             In my book, I suggest several strategies for      In  conclusion,  we  should  always  hold  a
             both  individuals  and  those  attempting  to     healthy degree of suspicion about our self-
             help them (e.g., counselors).                     understanding, knowing that only in resur-
             For example, a strategy for individuals is to     rected bodies can we know ourselves fully,
             do good deeds in secret, which helps indi-        even as God knows us (1 Cor 13:12). While
             viduals internalize the value of seeking de-      self-reflection  and  the  counsel  of  others
             light or “reward” in God rather than other        can be helpful, we should remember that
             sources (Matt 6:1-18). Thus, when giving,         true self-understanding is God’s gift. While

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