Page 15 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
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elements of religious experience, including the   Thus, there seems to be a qualifier to the defec-
             experience of belief.                             tive father hypothesis. When the attachment is
             My  previous  research  with  the  psychology  of   avoidant, there is a lack of confidence that the
             belief (Voss, 2019) focused on testing the defec-  attachment  figure  will  be  available  to  provide
             tive father hypothesis proposed by Vitz (2013).   security or meet some other need. If the ans-
             Vitz (2013) proposed that many of the world’s     wer to the availability question is “maybe the
             intellectuals  of  the  20th  century  who  became   attachment  figure  will  be  available,”  then  the
             atheists also had poor or absent father relation-  attachment relationship is characterized as an-
             ships. Vitz’s evidence came from reviewing the    xious. As it pertains to God, there is not a rejec-
             case histories of a number of these persons and   tion of God, but just as in the insecurity of an
             drawing  the  conclusion  that  there  was  a  link   anxious father attachment, the attachment re-
             between these men, poor father relationships,     lationship with God may also be characterized
             and their rejection of God. However, Vitz’s data   by anxiousness. This is consistent with what is
             was based on case stories that were archival in   known as the compensation hypothesis (Kirk-
             nature and were also selective. What was mis-     patrick, 1992; 2005).
             sing was empirical and statistical data. The focal   The  compensation  hypothesis  suggests  that
             point of my research was to test the defective fa-  when a person has an anxious relationship with
             ther hypothesis using data from various types of   their attachment figure, i.e., father, the person
             non-believers including atheists, nonbelievers,   may turn to God in order to compensate for the
             irreligious persons, etc. For this study, a sample   lack of security they feel in the personal attach-
             of persons, both believers and nonbelievers was   ment relationship. Interestingly, Granqvist and
             drawn from online sources. They all (N = 345)     Hagekull  (1999)  found  that  persons  with  low
             completed  several  surveys,  among  which  was   childhood security were those who were most
             an assessment of their religious beliefs and an   likely  to  make  sudden  conversions.  Turning
             attachment instrument, the Experiences in Clo-    toward God to provide assurance and security
             se Relationships Revised Scale (ECR-RS) (Fra-     when  there  is  uncertainty  in  earthly  relation-
             ley et al.,2011) that yielded an attachment score   ships suggests that there is a level of attachment
             for the participant and their father. Other que-  that has been wired into the architecture of the
             stions pertained to their perceived respect for   brain, so it is possible to have trust, albeit an-
             their father and other questions that are beyond   xious. Turning toward God who can provide se-
             the scope of this paper.                          curity in the absence of human relational secu-
             In general, the data supported the defective fa-  rity is a way to deal with the anxiety. It is unclear
             ther hypothesis, but only for those who showed    whether the faith experience looks different for
             an avoidant attachment style. Using regression    those who grew up with secure attachment and
             analysis, the data revealed that “as scores of fa-  those  who  grew  up  with  anxious  attachment.
             ther avoidance increased, so did scores in athe-  This will be the focus of future research.
             ism,  secularism,  and  irreligious-nonreligious
             worldviews (Voss, 2019, p. 173). What was in-     Attachment and Implications for Belief
             teresting was that this finding did not hold true   This brief review of attachment theory and my
             for those with an anxious attachment style or a   research on the defective father hypothesis pro-
             healthy attachment style with their father. One   vides a foundation from which to discuss the
             interpretation of this data, and consistent with   implications  of  attachment  for  faith  and  be-
             Vitz (2013), is that those with poor quality fa-  lief. What is being proposed is that attachment
             ther attachments are not only avoidant of their   is a neural change that wires early experience
             fathers, but also avoidant of a deity. If the father   into  the  neuroanatomy  of  the  brain.  Specific
             attachment was secure, participants in the stu-   experiences  are  wired  into  a  working  model
             dy tended to have belief in God. This was also    as  proposed  by  Bowlby.  The  neuroarchitectu-
             true of those who had anxious attachments with    re becomes a template by which relationships
             their fathers. However, those with an anxious     are experienced and interpreted. Religious ex-
             father attachment did not turn toward atheism.    perience,  especially  Christianity  and  a  belief

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