Page 17 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 17

in a personal God, is essentially a relationship.   the  father’s  role  here  is  important  because  it
             It is thus proposed that this structure impacts   creates a parallel between the earthly father and
             not only earthly relationships, but also heavenly   the heavenly father.
             relationships. Indeed, Vitz’s hypothesis, and the
             research presented in this paper both suggests    Is it possible that the language of heavenly father
             and demonstrates that those with the most inse-   is used throughout the scripture to make this
             cure form of attachment, avoidant attachment,     parallel? Contrary to a sexist view of the Bible,
             do  trend  toward  not  trusting  in  God  and  in-  God perhaps wants the language to show the
             stead turn toward nonbelief and the acceptance    importance of fathers. God could have chosen
             of atheism. If further research supports the cur-  any term or metaphor to describe himself that
             rent conclusion, then it would make sense that    he wanted. He chose father. The language may
             Christian parents prepare children for belief by   implicitly suggest that fathers are important in
             building trusting relationships with their child-  the role of faith building. Research findings on
             ren.  The  dissertation  data  previously  referred   attachment are consistent with the notion that
             to (Voss, 2019) assessed several father variables   this psychological foundation for a relationship
             and found that when a father models a relati-     with God is built through the nurturing, loving
             onship  with  God,  a  protective  factor  emerges   care of a parent, and perhaps, especially a father.
             that reduces the chance that offspring will re-   In summary, research by this author indicates
             ject faith in favor of atheism. Modeling a rela-  two strong predictors of atheism among emer-
             tionship with God helps children not only trust   ging  adults.  The  first  predictor  is  an  avoidant
             their father, but also trust the God of their fa-  attachment style between a father and a child.
             ther. The teaching of the scripture is consistent   The second factor is when the father does not
             with the idea of modeling a relationship with     model a relationship with God.
             God to one’s children. In Deuteronomy 6, God      Matthew  23:13  provides  further  insight  into
             gives this instruction to his people.             God’s heart when he rebukes hypocrisy. Fathers
               Love the LORD your God with all your heart      who do not heed the instruction of building re-
               and with all your soul and with all your        lationships with their children are open to the
               strength. These commandments that I give        same chastisement Jesus leveled at the Pharise-
               you today are to be on your hearts. Impress     es. Jesus said, “Woe to you teachers of the law
               them on your children. Talk about them when     and  Pharisees,  you  hypocrites!  You  shut  the
               you sit at home and when you walk along the     kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yoursel-
               road, when you lie down and when you get up.    ves  do  not  enter,  nor  will  you  let  those  enter
               Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind      who are trying to” (Holy Bible, New Internatio-
               them on your foreheads. Write them on the       nal Version, 1984). Though fathers may not be
               doorframes of your houses and on your gates.    professional teachers or clergy, they are respon-
               (Deuteronomy 6:5-9, Holy Bible, New Inter-      sible for teaching God’s word to their children:
               national Version, 1984)                         They are teachers! By not forming healthy re-
             Consistent with attachment theory, these verses   lationships  and  modeling  a  relationship  with
             indicate that God desires for his people to teach   God,  the  impact  may  be  to  shut  the  door  to
             and model the teachings of the faith. The tea-    God. Jesus warns against this hypocrisy.
             ching should be done as part of all aspects of    The  intent  of  this  article  is  to  not  rehash  my
             life and throughout the day. This is experiential   recent research, but only to use what was lear-
             teaching and learning. It happens as life is lived   ned  from  that  research  to  demonstrate  that
             and as it is experienced through a trusting and   attachment theory is an excellent theory from
             loving relationship with a parent. In this con-   which to do integrative work. In this I am con-
             text, a child develops a secure attachment. The   gruent  with  the  conclusions  of  Kirkpatrick
             passage in Deuteronomy does not suggest this      (2005) though he comes at the topic from an
             activity only be a motherly task. The behavior    evolutionary perspective. Secondly, research in
             described is parental and includes fathers and    attachment theory within an integrative frame-
             mothers. In line with the focus of this article,   work allows for new understanding to biblical

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