Page 11 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 11

came to believe that I was not my thoughts and
             that  there  was  a  deeper  presence  that  can  be
             experienced. As Pierre Teillard de Chardin has
             clearly articulated, „We are not human beings
             having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual
             beings having a human experience.“

             Which famous painters have inspired you?

             My  greatest  inspiration  in  the  past  and  now
             is Vincent Van Gogh. His anguished and tor-
             mented life, along with his sense of the Divine,
             enabled him to produce the most beautiful and
             authentic  images  that  account  for  his  unique
             I  have  also  been  inspired  by  Matisse  and  the
             German Expressionists for their use of vibrant
             expressive colours.

             Your work is characterized by symbols. Why
             are they important for you and which are pre-

             My early work was generally about narratives
             from the Bible. More recently I have moved to     Finding God
             an abstract expressionist style of painting. Ab-
             straction allows a different engagement with the   Can you focus in some sentences what is in
             viewer. At a more basic level, the intent for me is   your heart?
             less about communicating an ideology or world
             view and more about imagination and self-awa-     Having arrived at this particular season of life
             reness. However, I have still retained the image   (I  am  67)  with  the  experiences  that  life  has
             of a bird in all my paintings. Images, like words,   brought, I have a great sense of gratitude. What
             speak of and point to another reality. This image   enchants and allures me can be summed up in
             for me represents the Sacred, Divine, God, or a   four sentences, I am sure you are familiar with.
             deeper reality. The bird stands apart from hu-    Be still and know that I am God.
             manity, it is a different being, separate from our   The Kingdom of God is within.
             world and able to view our world from a higher    In him we live and move and have our being.
             perspective. In this sense it speaks of the trans-  God is Love.
             cendence of God. However, its subtle presence     I would hope that my art reflects the joy and
             in all the images also speaks of the immanence    beauty of this life we have, and also lead peop-
             of God. Like the sacred, it is not easily identi-  le to a greater awareness of the Sacred in their
             fied, one has to look and seek in order to find   own lives.
             it. The divine, although veiled, is imbued in the
             whole of life.                          

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