Page 18 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 18

narratives and teachings. Furthermore, the ap-    often absent. Why? Voss’s research (2019) sug-
             plications can be used to speak to the church     gested that regardless of the denomination or
             at large and young families within the church     religion,  those  with  secure  attachment  styles
             specifically.                                     stayed with the religion of their youth. Why?
                                                               One hypothesis is that those with secure attach-
             Attachment Implications for the Church.           ment with their fathers trusted their fathers and
             It is noteworthy that when one observes the mo-   imitated them. The apostle Paul makes note of
             dern church, men are missing in many congre-      the importance of imitation when he said,
             gations. The cause may be varied, but the obser-     I am writing this not to shame you but to warn
             vation has led some to believe that the church       you as my dear children. Even if you had ten
             has become feminized (Murrow, 2005; Podles,          thousand guardians in Christ, you do not
             1999).  Murrow  (2005)  suggested  reasons  for      have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I beca-
             why  the  American  church  often  deters  men       me your father through the gospel. Therefore I
             from active participation. He cited styles of mu-    urge you to imitate me. For this reason I have
             sic, focus on relationships, and activities that do   sent to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who
             not generally interest men. Thus, women tend         is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of
             to be leaders and doers in many contemporary         my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees
             churches. His remedy is to include a balance of      with what I teach everywhere in every church.
             activities that interest men and a focus on truth    (1 Corinthians 4:14-17, Holy Bible, New In-
             and orthodoxy that balances with what he refers      ternational Version, 1984)
             to as the softer side of the gospel that is reported   Not only does he refer to imitation, but he re-
             to be emphasized in many churches today.          fers to being a father figure who was consistent
             Podles (1999) provided a broader and more hi-     with what he taught and how he lived. This is
             storical narrative that theorizes why the modern   perhaps one key for how young men, and wo-
             church lacks men. Podles cited the enlighten-     men, stay in the church. As far as young con-
             ment and the industrial revolution as historical   verts  to  the  faith,  Paul  suggests  that  believers
             moments that tended to divide labor and activi-   imitate him. Churchmen, like Paul, can beco-
             ty between men and women. As men went off to      me “fathers” to those who do not have spiritual,
             work, women stayed at home with the children.     or even biological fathers. Attachment to those
             Domestic roles included the work of the church    other than the biological caregiver is possible.
             while work and politics, topics divorced from     Paul seems to understand that. However, this
             the church on a social level, became the work of   teaching  seems  especially  important  for  men
             men. These approaches to understanding why        who are already in the church. The teaching of
             men began to be less active in church life only   the church must include content that helps edu-
             provide some clues as to why the church may       cate young fathers about the importance of de-
             be considered feminized. Even if the idea of a    veloping strong attachment relationships with
             feminized church is rejected, there is still the is-  their children as the first step. This education
             sue of why men are not as involved as women in    must be directed toward fathers-to-be, and tho-
             many of today’s churches.                         se with young children. Secondly, the life must
             Whatever the reason for the lack of male leader-  be  lived  without  hypocrisy.  Helping  fathers
             ship in many churches, it is apparent that church   live lives of spiritual consistency is important.
             attendance has dwindled in many areas of Eu-      Churches must assess and figure out how to im-
             rope (Sahgal, 2018) and North America (Jones,     plement such discipleship.
             2019). Not that all specific churches see decline   In  a  world  of  widespread  divorce  and  unwed
             and specific congregations in fact show growth.   pregnancy, the modern world is facing a psy-
             Male involvement is not lacking in all churches.   chological and spiritual dilemma: the absence of
             Also, in some areas of the world, the church has   consistent fathering. This cultural phenomenon
             grown in recent years, particularly the Middle    is in line with Satan’s desire to “kill, steal and
             East (Mission Box, 2019). However, across the     destroy” (John 10:10). Church leaders and psy-
             Western  church,  problems  exist,  and  men  are   chologists face a perplexing task: to help fami-

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