Page 69 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 10
P. 69
Comment to
“An Image of Repentance:
Sacramental Confession
and the Formation of
Conscience in the Pastoral
Practice of the Orthodox
Liudmуla Hrydkovets
In his article «An Image of Repentance: Sacra- Ph.D. in psychology,
mental Confession and the Formation of Cons- Dean of the Faculty of
cience in the Pastoral Practice of the Orthodox Psychology at the Kiev
Church» Gregory Jensen presents the analysis Institute of Economics
of the important problem of a person’s consci- and Technology Practi-
ence. This problem is relevant both for pastoral cing psychologist, Co-
theology and for Christian psychology. The au- ordinator of the Kyiv
thor of the article reveals the importance of eve- city center for families
ry component in the process of formation and „family house“
manifestation of conscience in a mature person.
Based on the writings of theologians and pre-
achers, the author guides a reader through the ne infinite perfection that extends beyond clas-
stages of conscience purification and renewal. sical psychology understanding. At the same
Relying on the Eastern theology he focuses on time, in Christian psychology we can only state
repentance as a transformation, a change of a the fact that it is so.
human soul. And this differs from the under- The author accurately draws our attention to
standing of a person’s repentance in classical the fact that in deep essence of a mature person
psychology. Traditional psychological schools in the process of moving to perfection the re-
focus more on person’s recognizing their own orientation of a person’s value structures takes
negative deeds, acknowledging them, apologi- place. There is a transition from the «sinner-
zing and accepting their own responsibility for servant» model (I have sinned and seek alms)
them. Christian psychology differs in its inte- to the «God’s child» model (I feel His mercy
grity of the theological and the traditional-sci- and I realize my sinfulness). And this transfor-
entific approaches. Therefore vertically it relies mation of a person’s self-consciousness allows,
on the Christian anthropology, and horizon- on the one hand, to see more clearly one’s own
tally - on classical psychology. So, the author darkness revealed by the Divine light. On the
of the article reveals a reader the vertical deep other hand, it allows not to be locked up within
spectrum of repentance and transfiguration of one’s own mistakes and falls, not to be stuck on
a human being in their conscience, focuses our one’s own unforgiveness. And in the end, accept
attention on the Christocentric nature of this oneself as one is, accept oneself with gratitude
transfiguration. to God for the His acceptance and infinite Love
The aspiration to perfection, though embodied and Mercy.
in human nature, is not determinative in hu- In the presented article Gregory Jensen also re-
man development. A person’s psyche is capable veals the importance of everyday steps towards
of realizing only limited understanding of per- a person’s self-development and the formation
fection. Instead, the essential understanding of of conscience, that is: prayer, fasting, almsgi-
perfection is based on the reflection of the divi- ving and manual labor.