Page 67 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 10
P. 67

Fasting                                           and to begin to acquire a bodily knowledge of
             We are, however, not simply spiritual beings; we   God and His love.
             are embodied creatures. Because of sin, we are
             not in harmony with ourselves and indeed of-      Almsgiving
             ten find ourselves carried away our own desires.   Through prayer and fasting I reshape my heart
             The Apostle Paul puts the matter this way: “For   and make it more sensitive and responsive to
             the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit   God’s grace. The ascetical disciplines of alms-
             against the flesh; and these are contrary to one   giving and manual labor allow me to shape the
             another, so that you do not do the things that    world  around  me  and  my  relationship  with
             you  wish”  (Galatians  5:17,  NKJV).  We  suffer   others— including the poor— in a manner that
             than a real lack of freedom rooted in the dis-    reflects Christ. Just as prayer and fasting sanc-
             connect between flesh and spirit. Building on     tify soul and body, almsgiving and manual la-
             prayer,  the  three  other  ascetical  disciplines  of   bor are the means by which I sanctify the mate-
             fasting, almsgiving and manual labor are bodily   rial world and therefore human society as well.
             practices meant to help us bring our behavior     This two-fold social sanctification is necessary
             into conformity to Christ (see Colossians 3:1-    because  since  we  are  bodily  creatures  we  are
             17).                                              also social and traditional creatures.
             In the beginning, eating was part of humanity’s   Shaped as we are, almost unconsciously, by po-
             experience of communion with the Holy Trini-      pular  preaching  on  “salvation  by  faith  alone,”
             ty. When God establishes the human family in      St. Cyprian of Carthage comment that “prayer
             the Garden He turns to the Man and the Wo-        alone  is  ‘fruitless’  and  ‘ineffectual’  unless  it  is
             man and says: “See, I have given you every herb   accompanied by almsgiving” is shocking. And
             that yields seed which is on the face of all the   yet, like all the church fathers Cyprian says that
             earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to   “Only prayers with almsgiving ‘quickly ascend
             you it shall be for food (Genesis 1:29, NKJV).    to  God  which  the  merits  of  our  labours  urge
             God does, however, make one, demand of us.        upon God” (Rhee, 2012, p. 99 ). An even ear-
             We are not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of   lier teaching found in the second epistle of Cle-
             good and evil.                                    ment (130-160 AD). Reminding his readers of
             We hear about this prohibition in Genesis 2:17    the last Judgment, Clement writes that “Alms-
             and  again  in  the  conversation  between  Satan   giving therefore is a good thing, even as repen-
             and Eve (Genesis 3: 1-7).  According to a hymn    tance from sin” He then says that while “Fasting
             from the last Sunday before Lent “Through ea-     is better than prayer, … almsgiving better than
             ting Adam was cast out of Paradise. And so, as    both” (Lightfoot, p. 92).
             he sat in front of it, he wept, lamenting with a
             pitiful voice and saying, ‘Woe is me, what have   Manual Labor
             I suffered, wretch that I am! I transgressed one   Why manual labor? Because it teaches me that
             commandment of the Master, and now I am de-       through my own efforts and creativity I’m able
             prived of every good thing’ (Aposticha, Doxa-     to  shape  the  world  around  me.  I  can  create
             tikon, Sunday of the Expulsion of Adam from       something beautiful and of value to others. The-
             Paradise). The refusal to fast (to not eat of the   re is an interesting story from the desert fathers
             tree of the knowledge of good and evil) is where   that can help us understand this a bit better.
             humanity’s  troubles  begin.  Adam’s  troubles—   A  brother  said  to  Abba  Pistamon:  “What  am
             and my own—are the fruit of his refusal (and      I to do? I find it painful to sell what I make.”
             mine!) to accept a life of ascetical struggle.    Abba Pistamon replied: “Abba Sisois and others
             Fasting, and indeed asceticism in general, is not   used to sell what they made. There is no harm
             something added on to human life as an aftert-    in this. When you sell anything, say straight out
             hought; it is not a response (much less a reac-   the price of the goods. If you want to lower the
             tion!) to sin. No, it is there from the beginning.   price a little, you may and so you will find rest.”
             To  fast  is  to  return,  however  faltering  my  at-  The brother said: “I have enough for my needs
             tempt, to human life as it “was in the beginning”   from other sources, do you think I need worry

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