Page 96 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 1
P. 96


             Christian  Psychology,  only

             for Christians?
             By P. Andrei Lorgus

             So do many people think, both scientists and ordinary
             people. But this is a myth. It is one of the myths of our
             time, when a firm agnostic approach is attributed to sci-
             ence. Contemporary scholarship is often considered to be
             agnostic and atheist. But this is not true. Among scientists
             and those who are actively involved in the application of
             scientific achievements, among patients and clients – the-
             re are many deep, sincere and practicing believers. For
             the vast majority of people science and faith are incom-
             patible with each other. Some people say that science and
             religion are mutually inconsistent. So such is a myth. But
             we - Christian psychologists, -scholars and Christians are
             convinced that this is not true at all.
             Our interest lies in something else. Can contemporary
             Christian psychology be interesting and useful for peop-
             le, scientists and patients, who do not share our Christian
             beliefs? Can Christian psychology provide the theories,
             the teaching about human being, which could give the
             most sublime and true knowledge? We can also put the
             question another way: Is there something in Christian              Andrei Lorgus, Russia, is a Priest
             psychology that can not be found in other psychological            of the Russian Orthodox Chur-
             approaches and schools? Certainly, there is! That is our           ch, Moscow, psychologist and
             answer and our creed.                                              counselor,  Rector  of  the  Insti-
             Christian psychology regards a human being not as a psy-           tute of Christian Psychology,
             chic structure, a combination of psychic functions, ele-           Moscow. As a theological an-
             ments and system of determinants and factors, but first of         thropologist he has published
             all as a personality – living, inimitable and unique!  Every       the conference volumes of the
             human being is a unique personality, no matter whether             Russian-Austrian  Theological
             he wants to be or not. This is the most important condi-           Conferences 2003 -2007.
             tion of development for scientific psychology.
             Christian psychology is convinced, and is trying to assu-
             re both scholars and clients in the conviction, that in the
             depths of human personality each person has all the po-
             wers and resources, all capacities and blessings, necessary
             for human life. The secret is that all these blessings given
             by God are granted to human beings redundantly. It me-
             ans that human talents and capacities will never run out.
             Christian psychology asserts that there is always an op-
             portunity to help a person in a difficult situation if he
             desires so. That means Christian psychology believes in
             human being, and sees in him the source of healing and
             People of different views are coming to our Christian
             practice. Christian faith is not an obstruction in the way
             of  accepting  everyone.  Religious  convictions are not  a
             psychotherapeutic term of our practice. The main con-
             dition is trust of human being, in his beauty and intelli-
             Christian psychology is really interesting and rich, as it
             embraces and develops the two-thousand year ascetic ex-
             perience of mankind: the practice of pastoral counseling
             and spiritual perfection.

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