Page 98 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 1
P. 98
The Book
Coe, John H., & Todd W. Hall.
Psychology in the Spirit:
Contours of a Transformational Psychology.
Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2010. 446 pages.
Paperback, $30.00.
ISBN 978-0-8308-2813-5.
Review by Agnes May
Psychology in the Spirit: Greatly
recommended to every reader
who is looking for a Christian
approach in psychology!
Looking for something like “Christian Psychology”, ceived as an autonomous discipline. No, they offer a tho-
Christians have had long discussions whether or not to roughly Christian reinterpretation of psychology itself,
go for it and how to progress. With Psychology in the with principles of spiritual formation at the forefront of
Spirit, published in 2010 by InterVarsityPress in their their efforts. As a result, Psychology in the Spirit is actu-
new series on Christian Worldview Integration, a new ally a transformation of psychology through the central
approach is presented by a psychologist and a theologian focus on the cross, the power of the Holy Spirit and a rela-
in cooperation. tional view of the person. The process of transforming the
discipline of psychology in a distinctly Christian way is
The authors, John H. Coe and Todd W. Hall, work and accomplished by the authors´ examination of the indivi-
teach at Biola University, La Mirada, California. Coe, dual psychologist, the process of doing psychology from
with degrees in theology and philosophy, is director of a Christian perspective, and the product that results from
the Institute for Spiritual Formation, and Hall, with de- that process.” (p 28)
grees in clinical psychology, is director of the Institute for
Research on Psychology and Spirituality. Both had been Summary
involved in “the world of integration” for many years, but
became convinced “that something important is missing Coe and Hall explain their ideas of a Transformational
in Christian psychology, evangelical theology, the chur- Psychology (TP) in five levels.
ch, and even in the contemporary attention to spiritual
growth and formation.” (p. 45) Level I
builds the essential foundation. This foundation is the
Therefore, they started their attempt to reclaim what is psychologist as a person deeply committed to and in re-
missing, and now offer their findings on more than four lationship with God, working in and out of adoration.
hundred fascinating pages. This is how Psychology in the Therefore, TP is not primarily based on concepts or theo-
Spirit is introduced by the editors in their preface: ries, but on psychologists who love God and their neigh-
“Coe and Hall do not present us with a mere attempt to bors and work in the Holy Spirit.
relate Christianity to psychology where the latter is con- On this first level, TP can and will further be developed.