Page 101 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 1
P. 101

Letters to the Editor

             Letters to the Editor

             “Congratulations for the internet-journal Christian Psy-  cultural borders. And I know psychologists in Latvia who
             chology Around The World. I am convinced of the need   will be very interested in this lecture.
             to congregate the Christian Psychologists at this time of
             history to offer them a space of discussion and investiga-  Christina Bardill, lic.phil. M.A., Clinical Psychologist from
             tion, to give visibility of what have been produced inter-  Bern, Switzerland, who has been working in Riga, Latvia for the
             nationally. I  believe that Christian Anthropology offers   last 10 years
             a very welcomed alternative to the contemporary human
             suffering and problems.
             We live in a world sustained by an ideological perspective
             that seeks to legitimize an overwhelming market, which   „I strongly hope this journal will be of inspiration for
             homogenizes the face of our planet. This perspective   many health professionals and anthropologists who share
             wipes out differences, singularities, citizenship, on behalf   the christian faith. In fact, we believe man is one, as God
             of a mercantilism, that    becomes the reference of the   is one. Psychology and faith are called to this univer-
             relationships between people. The human condition is   sal law as we humbly approach the study of the human
             reified and the human being is subject to the kingdom of   being/creature. For too long and for too many psycho-
             the Same and that have been established on the ruins of   logy has ignored or diminished the „issue of God“; now
             ethics. This is the face of mercantilism and hegemony of   there is a chance to open our mind and heart, to reach
             technique that manifests itself even on the way that, very   a deeper understanding of man, inspired by the good
             often, psychologists try to help their patients. Today, it is   news, and therefore to accept our existence as being a
             necessary to recover the memory of the foundations of   creature of a wider creation. Our anthropocentric and re-
             the human condition, and here Christian Anthropology   ductionist models have being failing until now the very
             has great importance.                             purpose and the very core of our mission: the fullness
             Thank you for the very important work that you and our   and the wholeness in the process of understanding man
             colleagues are doing.”                            and his presence in the world. This can only be achieved
                                                                                                                                                                                                     by acknowledging and engaging the two dimensions of
             Dr. Gilberto Safra                                „mystery“ and „purpose of life“. I already see good quality
             Full Professor Instituto de Psicologia            and varied contributions in the journal, and that is pro-
             Universidade de São Paulo-USP, Brazil             mising. I value the format (an article followed by a peer
                                                               comment) and the topics considered. Now it would be
                                                               strategic to publish widely this space in order to receive
                                                               contributions from different authors who have dedicated
             ‘EMCAPP appreciates the cultural and linguistic diversity   much in their life to observe and understand „man“ in the
             of backgrounds of its members’ (4. statement below). As   light of christian revelation. A very sincere thank to the
             a Christian psychologist from Switzerland who has been   organizers and to everyone who will contribute in any-
             working in Latvija in the area of teaching and counseling   way to this project.“
             in the past nine years, I appreciate the efforts to publish
             a journal with topics about the nature of man, hope and   Francesco Cutino, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and psychothe-
             change, as they will be gathered in the Internet Journal   rapist, associate of the Italian Catholic Association of Psycho-
             on Christian Psychology. The inclusion of anthropology   logists and Psychiatrists, president founder of the association
                                                               „Jonas is on the way“, Rome, Italie
             will help to expand the view of man beyond the different
             models of psychology and join Christian psychologists in
             their orientation and contribution to help citizens of all
             cultures to more quality of life. It will also be a comfort   Great joy! An international  magazine on Christian Psy-
             for practitioners like me to keep communicating about   chology. Finally. I have travelled for forty years and more
             psychology and a Christian view of man with the struggle   through the desert! Starting to study psychology in 1965,
             of translation. “There is no word for ‘piparkukas’ (a Lat-  stones  for  bread.  (University  of  Amsterdam).  Graduate
             vian Christmas delicacy) in Russian, and you in Switzer-  studies offered a little shelter: Humanistic Psychology
             land may not have a word for it either!” claimed one of   (University of Utrecht). The cognitive revolution in Psy
             my counselees this week. It is a joy to work with coun-  brought no relief. I searched in Eastern life views and in
             selees from different cultures and discover the aspects   Anthroposophy, a two sided adventure.  Conversion in
             of our physical, psychological and spiritual nature as we   1984. I  looked now for the  ‚converted‘ psychology but
             look together to God, who created us wonderfully. I wish   did not find it at first. My co-christians practiced uncon-
             for the contributors of this journal to share their deepe-  verted psychology (Pastoral care) or weakly integrated,
             ning knowledge as well as old and new discoveries across

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