Page 95 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 1
P. 95
Monday, 3.9.12 16.00 Short presentations (10-20 min) by participants.
15.00 Welcome and participants’ registration - Psychology of Religion Limitations by Romuald Jawor-
16.00 Symposium opening and prayer. ski (Poland)
Participants introduce themselves and their institutions: - If emotions are purely physical, why and how does the
works, challenges, plans God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob have them? by Tre-
• The Treasure of EMCAPP ( Werner May, Germany) vor Griffith (Great Britain)
• The Treasure of WMCAPP (Nicolene Joubert, South - Christian psychology: A personalistic approach by Ze-
Africa) non Uchnast (Poland)
19.00-21.00 Dinner - N.N.
17.30 Another sightseeing walk around Warsaw. Dinner.
Thuesday, 4.9.12
Chairperson: Anna Ostaszewska (Poland) Thursday, 6.9.12
10.00 Morning session Chairperson: Werner May (Germany)
Prayer times 10.00
10.10 Krzysztof Wojcieszek (Poland) What is love – the Prayer times
most important human need 11.00 Coffee break Short presentations (10-20 min) by participants (Conti-
11.20 Group work to both lectures from the perspecti- nued from yesterday)
ves of a) Christian anthropology, b) Christian psychology Feedback to the Symposium
and c) Christian psychotherapy 12.00 End of the Symposium
12.20 Summary reports with discussion from the three
groups The lecturers
13.00 open Lunch time 1. Soyolmaa Enchbat (Mongolia) psychologist, director
14.30 Afternoon session of the Psychological Centre, Master of science at the
Chairperson: Elena Strigo (Russia) Mongolian National University.
14.35 Christian Community Psychology: A new perspec- 2. Prof. Nicolene Joubert (South Africa) psychologist,
tives in Christian Anthropology, Christian Psychology Head of the ICP: the Institute of Christian Psycholo-
and Christian Psychotherapy by Nicolene Joubert (South gy, Johannesburg
Africa) 3. Rev. Andrey Lorgus(Russia), psychologist, Rector
15.30 Coffee break of the Institute of Christian Psychology in Moscow,
15.50 Family trainings - Community Psychology in Dean of the Psychological Faculty
Practice by Soyolma Enchbat (Mongolia) 4. Elena Strigo /Russia) Psychologist, psychotherapist,
15.20 Breakaway groups: discussion of lectures from the Head of Psychological Counseling Centre ABIGAIL,
perspective of Christian Anthropology, Christian Psy- Krasnoyarsk, Russia
chology and Christian Psychotherapy 5. Krzysztof Wojcieszek (Poland), molekular biologist,
16.20 Group feedback Philosopher
17.30 A sightseeing walk around Warsaw. Dinner. 6. Charles Zeiders (USA) Psychologist, Diplomate in
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy; Chair, Think Tank
Wednesday, 5.9.12 for Christian Holism, Adjunct Professor, Pasto-
Chairperson: Toni Terho (Finland) ral and Theological Studies, Neumann University;
10.00 Morning session
Prayer times
10.10 Charles Zeiders (USA) - Christian Holism as a spi- Our conference room will be in the Primate’s Palace, Se-
rituality of psychotherapy natorska Str. 13/15, (English
11.00 Coffee break version). The Palace is located very close to the Old Town.
11.20 Group work to the lecture from the perspectives of Bus 175 from the airport Okęcie in Warsaw.
a) Christian anthropology,
b) Christian psychology and c) Christian psychotherapy Costs
12.20 Summary reports with discussion from the three Symposium fee is 120 EURO, to be paid in cash during
groups registration.
13.00 open Lunchtime Discounts can be applied. Other costs (travels, lunch,
14.30 Afternoon session dinner) - each participant will pay his own costs.
Chairperson: Werner May (Germany)
Not sure: Comments and additions to the lecture of the For more information
morning from a Orthodox perspective by Elena Strigo If you intend coming please send an e-mail to anna.ostas-
(Russia) informing me of your intention – if
15.30 Coffee break possible inform Anna before 30th January 2012.