Page 7 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 1
P. 7

We are moving together

             Comment to

             “We are moving together”
             Nicolene Joubert

             I underscore the message of “moving together” as an ex-  reliability and validity. Thus when research is conducted
             pression of our willingness to come alongside each other   focussing on the subjective experience of faith the same
             and move together as brothers and sisters in Christ. Christ   process is followed.
             is the cornerstone of this movement and He emphasised
             on numerous occasions that His disciples should love one   Lastly I would like to highlight that the spirit of love and
             another and move in unity. The love and unity amongst   unity stemming from our relationship with Christ and
             us will convince the world that He has sent us.   according to His prayer for his disciples, is the driving
                                                               force of this movement.  Acting in the spirit of John 17
             However, I miss a deeper explanation of the understanding   would enable us to glorify God and build His Kingdom.
             of “Worldview” and I would like it to add some thoughts,    John 17:21-23:
             according to Koltko-Riviera (2004).
                                                               “That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me,
             The worldview concept includes a philosophy of life,   and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world
             hypotheses about the world, value orientations and un-  may believe that you have sent me.The glory that you have
             conscious  systems of  meaning (Koltko-Riviera,  2004).   given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as
             A worldview is an overall perspective that is applied in   we are one, I in them, and you in me, that they may become
             a description and interpretation of the universe and life   perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me
             within it. According to Koltko-Riviera (2004) a world   and loved them even as you loved me.”
             view includes assumptions that may be unproven and
             even unprovable. These assumptions are super-ordinate,
             which means that they provide the epistemological and   Reference
             ontological foundation for other beliefs within a belief   Koltko-Riviera, M.E. (2004): The psychology of Worldviews.
             system. Observations and mystical contemplations form   Review of General Psychology, 8 (1).
             part of a worldview. Despite the existence of various theo-
             logical streams in the Christian faith tradition a Christian
             world view rooted in the Bible can be delineated.

             A Biblical worldview focuses on God and His relations to
             humans and the world. This would imply that assump-
             tions about God and His relations to humans provide the
             epistemological and ontological foundations for Christi-
             an psychological theories. These assumptions might be
             based on mystical contemplations or appropriate histori-
             cal sources. The core issues underpinning all theories are
             ontological, anthropological - and epistemological issues.
             All secular psychological theories are based on assump-
             tions pertaining to ontological, anthropological and epi-
             stemological ideas.

             It is also important for a Christian Psychology to do re-
             search and to formulate a scientific basis for Christian Psy-
             chology.                                                           Nicolene Joubert, South Africa,
                                                                                psychologist, Founder and head of
             The scientific basis for Christian Psychology is the same          the Institute of Christian Psychology
             as  for  secular  psychology  that  has  adopted  the  requi-      (ICP)  near by  Johannesburg,
             rements of the scientific method. These requirements               Counselling Psychologist in private
             include observation, defining a problem, formulating               practice, Ph.D. in Psychology
             hypotheses, gathering evidence, interpreting evidence,             from Northwest University ZA.
             publishing results and theory building. The research me-           Specialized in trauma therapy and
             thods associated with psychology includes naturalistic             the development of dissociative
             observation, correlational research, experimental me-              identity disorder. Prof Joubert is
             thod, clinical method and surveys. Christian psychologi-           the founder and chairperson of the
             cal research studies apply the same methods and adhere             South African Society for the Study
             to the requirements of psychological measurement of                of Trauma and Dissociation.

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