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                Editorial                                    46   Romuald Jaworski: Personal and impersonal reli-
             4  Werner May: We are moving together                giousness: A psychological model and its empirical
             7  Comment: Nicolene Joubert (South Africa)          verification / Religijność personalna i apersonalna –
             8  Moscow 2011: Some Impressions                     psychologiczny model i jego empiryczna
                Christian Anthropology, Psychology           57   Comment: Toni Terho (Finland)
                and Psychotherapy in Poland
             10  Anna Rudecka: Introduction to the articles from   Christian Psychotherapy
                Poland / Wprowadzenie do artykułów z Polska   58  Anna Ostaszewska: Anxiety Therapy from the Per-
             14  About the artist / artyście Kazimierz Kowalczyk  spective of the Integrative Psychotherapy: A
             18  Step by step we were lead - About the beginnings of   Christian Approach / Terapia lęku z perspektywy
                the Association of Christian Psychologists (ACP)   psychoterapii integratywnej w podejściu
                in Poland. An interview with Agata Rusak /Krok za   chrześcijańskim
                krokiem prowadzeni. Rozmowa z Agatą Rusak    76   Comment: Wolfram Soldan (Germany)
             25  Agata Rusak: About a good non-fulfillment / O dob-  78  Anna Ostaszewska: Insight into a Therapy - Ela /
                rym niespełnieniu                                 Wgląd w terapii – Ela
                                                             85   Contemplation on an interview transcript of thera-
                Christian Anthropology                            peutic sessions – Ela: Elenea Strigo (Russia)
             26  Krysztof Wojcieszek: Nature of Despair / Natura   88  A Portrait / Portret: Władysław Schinzel
             32  Comment: Trevor Griffith (Great Britain)    94   Invitation: Warsaw 2012
                                                                  Forum: Christian Psychology, only for Christians?
                Christian Psychology                         96   Andrey Lorgus (Russia)
             34  Romuald Jaworski:The Role of Religious Trust in   97  Eric Johnson (US)
                Overcoming Conflicts. Empirical Verification of the   98  The Book
                Pastoral Psychology Paradigm / Znaczenie ufności   Psychology in the Spirit - Review: Agnes May (Ger-
                religijnej w przezwyciężaniu konfliktów - Empirycz-  many)
                na weryfikacja paradygmatu psychologii pastoralnej   101  Letters to the Editor
             44  Comment: Roland Mahler (Switzerland)        103  Next number / About us
                                                             104  EMCAPP: Seven statements

             Why do we have a bilingual journal?
             In our movement for Christian Psychology, we meet as Christians with very different backgrounds: different churches,
             different cultures, different professional trainings…
             There is a common desire to the movement, but highly “multi-lingual” ideas of its realization!

             Therefore, a bilingual journal is just a small reference to our multilingual voices to remind us:
             •   Languages are an expression of cultures, countries and of their people. By writing in two languages, we want to show
                our respect to the authors of the articles, to their origin and heritage, and at the same time symbolically show respect
                to all the readers in other foreign countries.
             •   There are many foreign languages that we do not understand. Within our own language, we intend to understand one
                another, but we fail to do so quite often. To really understand one another is a great challenge, and we also want to
                point to this challenge by offering a bilingual journal.
             •   “When languages die, knowledge about life gets lost.” (Suzanne Romaine, 2011)
             •   Finally, there is a pragmatic reason: As we want to have authors from one special country to write the main articles
                of every journal, it will be easier for them to distribute the journal in their own country, when it also is in their own

             Werner May

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