Page 2 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 1
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What is special about this journal? Christian Psychology
First of all, it is an internet journal, and you probably received it simply as an e-mail the world
from someone you happen to know. And if you send it on to someone who you
believe would be interested, the advantages of a journal for the internet become
What else is special? It is a journal for Christian psychology, which you may not
have heard about, but which has already been in existence worldwide for many
years. More information is available in the articles.
And then “around the world”. You will be able to read contributions from experts
all over the world, and a particular feature is that we intend to dedicate each edition
largely to work from one particular country of the world. This time it is Poland, so
you will find the main articles not only in English, but also in Polish. This is meant
to express respect for our cultures and to remind us that understanding each other
is not automatic. We have also invited one Polish artist to offer us through his works
a different, albeit brief, insight into his land from that offered by the specialist con- Christian Psychology
tributions. promotes respect
for cultures
The aim of the articles is to introduce a Christian psychology movement which you
can get to know in more detail on the following pages: from those who represent
this movement, from their experiences, their thoughts and their cooperation.
We deliberately take note of our different Christian traditions, whether Orthodox, “Christian unity
Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal, Anglican, … and are amazed at the differences. is symphonic“
You will notice that this periodical is not a scientific publication, but seeks to apply
scientific knowledge comprehensibly.
The European Movement for Christian Psychology, which presents itself in this Christian Psychology
journal as a worldwide movement, has been meeting for almost 20 years. together
Wishing inspired thoughts in reading and scrolling,
Werner May
Kazimierz Kowalczyk was born in 1969 in Raba
Wyżna, Poland. In the period from 1981 to 1986
he he studied sculpture at PWSSP (Academy of
The Artist suffered serious injuries in a tragic car accident.
Arts) in Gdansk. At the beginning of 1988 he
During next two years he underwent a long and
complicated medical treatment. These years had
a groundbreaking impact on him, not only phy-
sically. Everything that “Kazik” designs, creates
and sculpts in wood is permeated with his deep
and passionate faith in God.