Page 8 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 1
P. 8

Moscow 2011
                                                 10th INTERNATIONAL EMCAPP SYMPOSIUM-REPORT
                                                                    2-5 May 2011

                                                Eighteen participants from 12 nations across three continents
                                                met in the Institute for Christian Psychology in Moscow, led
      For  me  the  meetings  in  Moscow  were  a   by Fr. Andrei Lorgus. Nine participants were new to EMCAPP,
      breath of fresh air. Always in therapy sessi-  which added to the sense of depth and diversity among us. Rus-
      ons in my work is wonderful, but this sti-  sian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Reformed Protestant and Pen-
      mulated my thinking very much. It shows   tecostal traditions were all represented. Rifts that have scarred
      me the high quality of thinking of com-   our political and Church history for centuries were recognised,
      mitted believers in Jesus Christ, of various   and began to be reconciled, during these four days. A sense of
      theological heritages.                    unity through mutual understanding grew among our clear di-
      Téo J. van der Weele (Netherlands)        versity in Christ.

                                                The Symposium theme, ‚The Future for Christian Anthropolo-
                                                gy, Psychology and Psychotherapy‘, was introduced on our first
                                                afternoon after a round of introductions from all present. In the
                                                following two days, Anthropology, Psychology and Psychothe-
                                                rapy each received half a day‘s attention, with one, two or three
                                                presentations and discussion. Participants gave further feed-
                                                back after the lectures. The presentations were high quality, well
                                                thought through and presented.
                                                The lectures addressed all the main purposes of EMCAPP.

                                                Lectures presented during the Symposium:
                                                rev. Andrey Lorgus (Russia): A Man in Russia of the XXI Centu-
                                                ry – anthropological perspective
                                                rev. Marek Tatar, PhD (Poland): Structure of a Man in the Bibli-
                                                cal Act of the Creation
                                                Krzysztof Wojcieszek, PhD (Poland): Nature of Desperation
                                                Roland Mahler (Switzerland): What is a Christian Identity?
                                                Prof. Nicolene Joubert (South Africa): The Future of Christian
                                                Elena Strigo (Russia): Trauma Psychotherapy
                                                Teo J. Van Der Weele (Netherlands): Powerful Peace
             Being in Moscow with my brothers   Francesco Cutino, PhD (Italy): A Psychotherapist and Five Di-
             and sisters from the EMCAPP was    mensions of Therapeutic Relationship
             a brilliant experience of personal
             healing and professional growth. … I
             found exchanging views and opinions   For me very important was reaction for my speech
             between us very useful and somehow   about nature of desperation. It was a fragment
             I would like to propose to build up a   of contemporary polish philosophical thought
             kind of ongoing joint team work.     about man ( prof. M. Gogacz), but was also based
             Francesco Cutino (Italie)            on very old tradition of christian thought – Saint
                                                  Thomas Aquinas and others. It was very interes-
                                                  ting that such an old topics and results of midd-
                                                  le – ages investigations had so warmly reception
                                                  by psychologist. In XIX century psychology have
                                                  started to be independent from philosophy, but
                                                  perhaps that “divorce” was too fast?
                                                  Krzysztof A. Wojcieszek (Poland)

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