Page 82 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 82

Christian Psychology alive

             Dorcas Khomari &
             Prof. Wilna J. Basson                               Dorcas  Khoma-

             Experiences of Christian                            ri,   professional

             couples attending a                                 Nurse,    Clinical
                                                                 Psychologist  ob-
             Biblically-based marriage                           tained  from  the

             enrichment programme                                Medical  Univer-
                                                                 sity  of  Southern
                                                                 Africa. ZA. She is
                                                                 a  lecturer  at  the
             Maitemogelo a banyalani ba bakeresete a len-        Sefako  Makgatho
             aneo le o le ikaegileng mo motheong wa Beibele      Health Sciences University in Ga-Rankuwa,
             la go tiisa lenyalo.                                Pretoria. In her search for effective therapeu-
             Pegelo e e tlhagisa maitemogelo a banyalani ba      tic interventions, through the inspiration of
             le 31 ba o ba tsereng karolo go lenaneo la go       the Holy Spirit, she discovered the power of
             tiisa mayalo a bareresete. Batsaya karolo ba tl-    the Word. Trained at the Institute for Chri-
             hopilwe ka go nopola maina go tswa mo mai-          stian Psychology and incorporates Christian
             neng otlhe a banyalani mo kerekeng ya Pente-        approach to therapy. Her home language is
             koste, Pretoria North, South Africa.                Setswana.
             Maitemogelo a banyalani a kokoantswe ka go                
             botsa dipotso, go diriswa lenaneo la dipotso leo
             le akaretsang dipotso tseo di sa letleleleng tlha-
             loso  le  tseo  di  letlelelang  tlhaloso.  Dipotso  di
             arabilwe kwa bofelong ba lenaneo.                 Introduction
             Dipoelo tsa dipatlisiso di tlhagisitse fa banyala-  Worthington,  Buston  and  Hammonds  (1989)
             ni ba itemogetse fa lenaneo la go tiisa lenyalo le   define  marriage  enrichment  programmes  as
             nnile le mosola mo kamanong ya bona. Gape         programmes that help couples to enhance their
             banyalani ba begile fa ba tlhoka mananeo a a      relationships by developing their ability to initi-
             ka amang matlhakore mangwe a a botlhokwa a        ate changes in their relationships. Marriage en-
             lenyalo ao a sa akarediwang mo lenaneong le ba    richment therefore refers to preventative measu-
             tsereng karolo mo go lona.                        res aimed to support functional couples or non-
                                                               distressed couples to improve or maintain their
             This  study  reports  on  the  experiences  of  31   relationships (Blanchard, Hawkins, Baldwin &
             Christian couples (n=62) who attended a mar-      Fawcett,  2009).  Bader  (1984)  further  explains
             riage  enrichment  programme  that  explicitly    that  unlike  encounter  programmes,  marriage
             incorporated the Christian teachings intended     enrichment  programmes  are  designed  to  en-
             to strengthen marriage relationship of Christi-   hance  the  positive  aspects  of  the  relationship
             an  couples.  A  randomly  selected  sample  was   without inducing emotional expression that are
             obtained from couples attending a Pentecostal     common in therapy or counselling.
             Church in Pretoria North, South Africa. Their     Although  marriage  enrichment  programmes
             experiences on the programme were captured        have  been  scientifically  proven  to  be  effective
             using  a  closed  and  open-ended  questionnaire   in improving marital relationships (Alqashan,
             that was completed at the end of the program-     2008;  Jakubowski,  Milne,  Brunner,  &  Miller,
             me. Descriptive data analysis indicated that the   2004;  Halford,  Markman,  Kling,  &  Stanley,
             couples experienced the programme as benefi-      2003; Malcolm, 1992; Bader, 1984), couples at-
             cial. The couples further expressed their need    tendance of the programmes is still a challenge
             for other programmes that would address other     to  marriage  and  family  therapists  (Roberts  &
             areas of their marriage relationship which were   Morris, 1998). Andrews (1994) estimated that
             not addressed in the present programme.

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