Page 85 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 85

Christian Psychology alive

                22“Wives, be subject (be submissive and ad-    manner accepting the spouse’s input and offe-
                apt yourselves) to your own husbands as (a     ring  your  view  without  attempting  to  evalu-
                service) to the Lord’.                         ate him/her. Please give your feedback to your
                23”For the husband is the head of the wife as   spouse on each suggestion stating what is pos-
                Christ is the Head of the church, Himself the   sible and what is not possible according to what
                Saviour of His body”.
                24 “As the church is subject to Christ, so let   is practical in the relationship. Be careful not to
                wives also be subject in everything to their   just dismiss a suggestion without a convincing
                husbands”.                                     reason”.
                25 “Husband, love your wives, as Christ loved
                the church and gave Himself up for her,        The process is thereafter repeated with the other
                26 “So that He might sanctify her, having      spouse. At the end of the session each couple is
                cleansed her by the washing of water with the   requested to write down all the roles they have
                Word,                                          agreed upon.
                                     (The Amplified Bible)

                                                               Measuring instrument
             After the teaching there is a 15 minutes break    The ENRICH Couple Evaluation questionnaire
             to allow the couples to reflect on the teachings   was completed by each participant who atten-
             and to refresh before the role negotiation sessi-  ded  the  programme.  The  enrich  Couple  Eva-
             on starts. The next session will begin with the   luation questionnaire was developed as part of
             briefing as to what is expected of them.          the PREPARE/ENRICH programme. The pro-

                                                               gramme was first developed in 1978 by David
             Role negotiation session                          Olson for premarital and married couples. The
             After  the  couples  have  declared  commitment   inventories  and  programmes  have  high  levels
             to the role negotiation process, they will then   of  reliability,  validity  and  clinical  utility  (Ol-
             be separated and divided among the 4 facilita-    son, D.H., & Olson, A.K., 1997). The question-
             ting Psychologists. Each facilitator will start the   naire  contains  eight  questions  of  which  three
             role negotiation with her group in the following   are closed-ended and five are open-ended. The
             manner:                                           three closed-ended questions measured the fol-
                                                               lowing: “the couples’ rating of the programme
             “Now you are going to define the roles that will   on a five point Likert-like scale ranging from
             manifest love and submission in your relation-    1  as  ‘the  worst’  and  5  as  ‘the  best’;  whether
             ship. Each of you will be given a chance to sug-  the couples found the programme worthwhile
             gest the role your partner could play in order to   or not and thirdly whether they would go for
             show love/respect to you, but first each couple   counselling in the future or not”, whilst the five
             needs to decide who will start the negotiation    open-ended questions explored the couples’ ex-
             process”.                                         periences of the programme. The probing que-
             The  following  instructions  are  given  to  the   stions included couples’ expectations from the
             spouse chosen to start the process: “Please write   programme;  whether  these  expectations  were
             down a list of ways or suggestions that will make   met; perceived benefits; and recommendations
             you feel respected as a (husband) or loved as a   to improve the programme.
             (wife)  in  your  relationship  with  your  spouse.
             Make your suggestions known to your spouse        Sampling
             one by one and motivate why they are impor-       A randomly selected sample (n=31) of couples
             tant to you as if you sell them to your spouse”.  was  derived  from  a  population  of  couples  at-
             (To  the  listening  spouse):  “Whilst  it  is  your   tending a Pentecostal church in Pretoria Nor-
             spouse’s chance to give suggestions, you are re-  th, South Africa. The couples were then invited
             quested to listen to your spouse by: firstly allo-  to take part in a one-day marriage enrichment
             wing him/her a chance to speak without inter-     programme arranged by the researcher.
             ruptions; summarizing his/her remarks before      The participants were Africans of different lan-
             responding; and then responding in a sensitive    guage and ethnic groups in South Africa.

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