Page 78 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 78

Christian Psychology alive

                on of reentry programs offered by mission      the opposite is being re enforced in the home.
                agencies for their missionary kids. I would    Again, I would respond to the MK in the same
                encourage the therapist to explore the va-     way that I would with other types of TCKs. I
                rious programs that are available and help     would just as likely find this type of anxiety in
                the parents find the right program for their   the home of the TCK from other sectors as I
                MK and their individual situation.             would in the life of the MK.

             At times I have assigned a diagnosis too quik-    So  what  is  the  main  difference  between  wor-
             kly on an MK because of their global lifestyle    king the TCK from other sectors and the MK?
             or what I may have experienced in my own life     I believe it is the role of God in the life of the
             as an MK. Only to discover later in the thera-    family of the MK, in most cases. God is cen-
             py process, that I was wrong in my assessment.    tral to everything in the life of the MK. This is
             I believe a number of questions need to asked     why they are moving to a different country, why
             by  the  therapist,  which  I  am  certain  was  the   their parent’s have a job, who they talk to and
             process that Dr. Katabua used, before making      about every day, who they try to model their li-
             a diagnosis such as anxiety or obsessive com-     ves after, who they ask for guidance regarding
             pulsive disorder. “What is creating the anxiety   which school their children should attend, and
             within  the  child?  What  is  happening  within   who tells them what they should do. Their very
             their environment and with their parents?” Yes,   being, career and worth is rooted in God. Than
             it could be rooted in their lifestyle of high mobi-  the question becomes, “Is it safe tell the thera-
             lity creating the need to say repeatedly goodbye   pist what I honestly think about God”? When
             to childhood friends, homes, schools, etc. Using   the  MK  is  a  child,  they  are  not  emotionally
             the example given by the author, I would want     ready to process these types of questions, but
             to  know  what  is  the  parent’s  attitude  towards   it is central to their psychological make up. It
             the  child  befriending  the  locals,  learning  the   goes back to basic question of the impact of the
             language, playing in the homes of the locals and   system(s) in which the child is raised impacts
             launching out on their own in the community?      the child. This is what is different with the MK
             Have  the  parents  invited  other  local  children   over many TCKs from other sectors. Keeping
             into their home so their child can learn the lan-  in mind that other TCKs can also be raised in
             guage? Do the children go to the local church,    a Christian home where God is central in their
             or are they only having church in their home?     home, but with the MK this is felt much stron-
             Is the child isolated? If the parents are anxious   ger as it is in every part of their job, it is why
             about their children’s involvement with the lo-   they are missionaries.
             cal community, than the child will pick up on
             this feeling and sense that it is unsafe to do so   I am so pleased to read articles such as this one
             and not be able to verbalize why they feel that   where this topic is discussed. We need to reco-
             way. They just know that it is not safe. It is much   gnize that when we get a TCK in our counseling
             easier to simply state, “They are anxious becau-  office, they have been deeply impacted by their
             se they are an MK and the child makes negative    life of high mobility. And our counseling should
             self statements because they are angry about the   explore the impact of that lifestyle on their life.
             move ”. I want to know why they are anxious.      Thank you, Dr. Katabua for your contribution
             It is hard to change the behavior of the child if   to this discussion.

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