Page 61 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 61

Christian Psychology as a Challenge

             gram  was  to  provide  prenatal  education  care,   could result in preterm labour. Being born pre-
             and to determine effectiveness of program on      term has severe consequences; such babies are
             the lifestyle, and improved psychological, spi-   more at risk for respiratory distress syndrome,
             ritual  and  prenatal  outcomes.  Methods.  The   and later on in life diabetes, heart disease and
             girls  were  presented  with  two  classes  a  week,   obesity. Among the benefits of prenatal care is
             a theoretical class on Mondays and a practical    the ability to anticipate future or current pro-
             class on Wednesdays for two hours. Results. The   blems; hence, it is essential to the health of both
             program was successful in creating a supportive   mother and child. Prenatal care allows health
             environment and fostering a sense of ‘we-ness’    care providers to take timely measures to ensu-
             between the girls, all the girls tended breastfeed,   re the wellbeing of the mother and child.
             and all the babies were born healthy. However,
             the  spiritual  aspect  of  the  program  could  not   An essential part about prenatal care is educa-
             be implemented due to a low attendance at the     ting pregnant on how to best care for themsel-
             end. Conclusions. The program was a success;      ves and their growing baby. There are two kinds
             however, there were various administrative, lo-   of  prenatal  care;  individual  prenatal  care  and
             gistical and cultural aspects to the program that   another group prenatal care. Traditional indi-
             could be better managed in the future.            vidual  prenatal  care  (which  occurs  when  wo-
                                                               men  are  seen  one-on-one  in  an  exam  room)
             2. Introduction                                   is  preferably  complemented  by  group  prena-
             In view of the increase of pregnant young girls   tal  classes,  which  facilitate  support  networks,
             within the Katutura community, Beautiful Kidz     social  interaction,  and  additional  education
             decided to design a new project called Young      (Ruiz-Mirazo, Lopez-Yarto, McDonald, 2012).
             and Pregnant. One of the interests of Beautiful   The model of group care was created in 1974
             Kidz was to provide a support group for young     and  offered  pregnant  women  a  new  mode  of
             and pregnant girls. It was the experience of one   interacting  (Walker  &  Worrell,  2008).  Group
             of the staff members at Beautiful Kidz, Nicol,    care improved pregnancy outcomes, motivated
             that  if  one  of  the  young  people  who  regular-  behaviour change, as well as increased patient
             ly  come  to  the  centre  became  pregnant,  they   satisfaction (Beck, Scott, Williams, Robertson,
             would  avoid  coming  to  the  centre  altogether.   Jackson,  Gade,  1997).  A  model  of  group  care
             In  response  to  this  and  to  reduce  the  stress   that is often used today, Centering Pregnancy
             and  isolation  faced  by  pregnant  adolescents,   was developed in 1994 (Rising, 1998). Partici-
             the program young and pregnant was develo-        pants of Centering Pregnancy are said to be less
             ped  to  provide  a  warm  and  non-judgemental   likely  to  develop  postpartum  depression  and
             atmosphere  where  pregnant  adolescent  girls    have preterm births.
             could  learn  more  about  pregnancy  and  share
             their prenatal experiences.                       3. Literature Overview
                                                               3.1 Centering Pregnancy Group Program
             Prenatal care was initially developed as a pre-   Given how short prenatal visits are with a health
             ventive health initiative to lessen ill health and   care provided, it is often the case that pregnant
             mortality among pregnant women (Ruiz-Mira-        women left want to get more information about
             zo, Lopez-Yarto, McDonald, 2012). Early pre-      pregnancy. It is impossible to give women ex-
             natal  care  is  essential  to  mothers  and  babies.   pertise  and  ample  information  during  their
             Doctors preferably see their pregnant patients    short visit with the doctor at a hospital or clinic.
             around 8 weeks of pregnancy in which an initial   Centering Pregnancy is a prenatal care model
             evaluation  is  conducted  which  includes  chek-  where the pregnant women will come to a pre-
             king  for  sexually  transmitted  infections,  they   natal visit in a group setting with other women
             screen for gestational diabetes, and to find out   who are due around the same month (Rising,
             when the due date is. When a woman comes in       1998).  Centering  combines  patient  health  as-
             during the third trimester for an initial check-  sessment, with interactive learning, and com-
             up, the due date is typically not accurate; which   munity building with time allotted for one-on-

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