Page 66 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 66

Christian Psychology as a Challenge

            their own evaluation forms and made recom-         At the end of the project was that sobering rea-
            mendations  for  the  next  young  and  pregnant   lization that no matter what organisation plans
            project, which will most likely be in 2016.        a project, projects are often not perfect. One re-
                                                               ason for this was the project was planned and
            6. Process                                         executed top-down among disregard for of the
            The  evaluation  was  conducted  by  assigning  a   real-life conditions of the people affected. The
            questionnaire to both the girls and to the pro-    results:  the  target  groups  cooperate  only  hal-
            gram  coordinators.  The  questionnaire  was  gi-  tingly and demonstrate at times a great degree
            ven to the girls during home visits and left for   of apathy. Adolescents are not going to change
            the girls to fill in to be collected on a subsequent   their lifestyle habits overnight just because they
            day                                                are told to do so. In order to bring about change,
            The  overall  feedback  gathered  from  the  girls   the health care provider should work within the
            was positive and the reflections of the coordi-    context of the pregnant adolescent‘s current ha-
            nators indicate how they were impacted by the      bits, considering the context of family and cul-
            project.  However,  it  confirms  the  importance   tural beliefs.
            of community participation in the design and       Written by Gloria Shileka
            execution of a community project, rather than a    This  report  illustrates  how  the  principles  of
            top-down process.                                  community  psychology  and  action  research
                                                               methodology were put into practice by one of
            7. Reflections of the coordinators                 the ICP students.
            Nicol  -  The  program  impacted  me  in  many
            ways. Seeing the girls facing so many challen-     Conclusion
            ges made me realize how thankful I should be.      Community psychology provides an approach
            Darleen losing her baby impacted me in a very      that  psychology  practice  that  could  benefit
            personal way. It challenged me about who God       whole societies and lead to social transforma-
            is. His understanding is so much above mine.       tion  by  means  of  psychological  interventions
                                                               that are preventative in nature and systemical-
            Jennieke-  It  was  fulfilling  to  reach  out  to  the   ly  oriented.  The  participatory  philosophy  un-
            girls. As I am pregnant myself it was interesting   derlying  community  psychology  ensures  that
            to take part in the program and also learn more    psychologists gain deeper understanding of the
            about pregnancy. The program provided a uni-       cultural diverse communities they serve. Chri-
            que insight into what would be an appropriate      stian Community Psychology gives expression
            program for young Damara girls.                    to  divine  Grace  by  means  of  social  activism
                                                               and social justice that embodies the character
            Gloria – The program impacted me immensely,        of Christ. It encompasses the Trans-human and
            I’ve learned so much about pregnancy that I did    spiritual  dimension  of  existence  and  anchors
            not know before the program. Some things in-       theory  and  practice  in  God  the  Creator,  God
            trigued me and other things just outright terri-   the Father and God, the Son.
            fied me. I’ve seen how girls from impoverished
            homes  cope  with  being  young  and  pregnant
            and I’ve also seen the darker side of pregnancy,
            which is losing a child only days after labour.

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