Page 57 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 57
Christian Psychology as a Challenge
opposed to the emerging participatory world- as from mystical encounters (invisible realm).
views. This statement aligns to some degree with an
The core worldview statements that are viewed African epistemology emphasising that know-
as pertinent to Community Psychology praxis ledge could be derived from spiritual and my-
and thus considered include ontology, anthro- stical encounters.
pology, epistomology and ecclesiology. Ecclesiology refers to the church as a communi-
The scope of this article does not allow for a full ty of believers and how it functions in terms of
discussion of these worldview statements, but hierarchical structures and calling. The church
some of the core statements are presented. provides as with an example of a healing com-
Ontology highlights that God exists as a per- munity as one of the functions is to care for its
sonal God and Creator and that humans are members and to reach out to those in need. In
created in the image of God as conscious and this sense the church is called to participatory
self-conscious beings. It is further stated that action in the world.
angels are created heavenly beings and that fal- A Biblically based systemic perspective allows
len angels exist in the invisible realm. a Christian Community Psychology to emer-
These belief statements acknowledge the spi- ge that adheres to the principles and values of
ritual dimension of existence, a supra-system Community Psychology (active participation in
that all people exist in but can not observe with communities, respect for all people and a focus
our natural senses. In this regard there is an on social action and change to improve all so-
agreement with African worldview statements cieties). It further allows the acknowledgment
although the description of specific spiritual en- of a spiritual dimension as the supra-system,
tities and their functions differ. Trans-human in nature, that steers, empowers
Anthropology states that human beings are and sustains all things. From a Biblical perspec-
created in God’s image as body and soul/spirit tive the Trans-human system is believed to be
and possess moral, social and mental capacities. the Tri-une God who encompasses and sustains
These capacities reflect the image of God in hu- all of creation forever, which include micro-
mans. Human beings are sinful and in need of systems, meso-systems, mexo-system, macro-
salvation. Salvation is based on God’s love for systems and the chronosystem.
his creation. True self-knowledge could only
be gained through Christ. The belief in the fall The following diagram illustrates the Biblical-
of humankind and the need for salvation and a ly based systemic approach.
Saviour, who is the only Mediator between God
and man, separate the
Christian belief system
from other worldviews.
The traditional African
worldview claims that
ancestors exist on a me-
so-cosmic level and act
as mediators between
the Supreme being
(God) and humans.
Epistemology claims
the foundation of know-
ledge comes from God.
It further states that we
could gain knowledge
through senses as well