Page 60 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 60

Christian Psychology as a Challenge

             B Psych students from IITC also participated in   South Africa and Namibia
             community projects and the concept of systems     Community project report
             theory  indicate  that  the  participation  in  one
             community (a sub-system) from one student (a      Gloria Shileka, one of our current 4th final year
             subsystem of the ICP) influenced all other 4th    B Psych student from Namibia, engaged in and
             year B Psych students (a subsystem, consisting    completed  a  community  project  for  pregnant
             of 4th year B Psych students) as all the projects   adolescents  in  Windhoek  (the  capital  city  of
             were discussed and collective prayers were offe-  Namibia).
             red for all the communities involved. The same
             principle is valid for interlinks formed between
             the  ICP  students  and  the  German  students.
             Thus, the South African communities and Ger-
             man communities were linked by means of the
             involvement of ICP and IITC students in com-
             munity projects.
             Based on Biblically based systemic perspective
             it implies interconnection between the ICP and
             all the communities represented by the Com-       Gloria report as follows on the project:
             munity Psychology students and their systems
             (visible realm). It further implies an intercon-  1. Abstract
             nection  with  the  invisible  realm  (God,  Jesus,   Background. The non-profit organisation, Beau-
             Holy Spirit, angels, fallen angels, satan) and a   tiful Kidz started a new, “Young and Pregnant”. It
             method to bring the Kingdom of God to com-        is an 8-week program for pregnant adolescents
             munities across the world.                        and young adults age 15-25 that is pregnant for
                                                               the first time. The program consisted of 9 girls
             Community  links  between  South  Africa  and     and was conducted at the Beautiful Kidz centre
             Germany (visible realm) as well as the invisible   with four program coordinators from June 15
             realm illustrated in the diagram.                 to August 5. The primary objective of the pro-

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