Page 55 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 55

Christian Psychology as a Challenge

             formation and narrow definitions. Action lear-    sex work. This pose a challenge to the mental
             ners are therefore advised to observe by diffe-   health  services  of  South  Africa  that  could  be
             rent means – personal experience, dialogue and    best  addressed  by  community  psychological
             face-to-face discussion, and using both qualita-  practice and interventions designed to provide
             tive and quantitative methods.                    input to a whole community.

             Focusing on communities instead of the indi-      Racial structures shaped by the apartheids re-
             vidual  drives  active  participatory  engagement   gime created a divide between racial groups in
             with communities in order to gage their needs,    the past. Despite numerous efforts and a lot of
             dynamics  and  hierarchies.  Active  engagement   progress regarding breaking down historically
             and action research form the first step for psy-  shaped racial structures, the effects of a raciali-
             chologists embarking on the path of becoming      zed society are not totally eradicated. These ef-
             community psychologists.                          fects contribute to the challenge to make mental
                                                               health  services  equally  accessible  to  all  South
             The  benefits  from  this  approach  for  mental   Africans and again the practice of Community
             health professionals are numerous, ranging from   Psychology provides a workable solution.
             gaining a deeper understanding of community
             dynamics  and  how  it  affects  individual  beha-  Sex work is often the only way women can find
             viour to empowering communities and prevent       food or shelter or migrants could travel from
             pathology. This, in turn leads to reaching more   other  African  countries  to  South  Africa.  This
             people with psychological knowledge and ser-      desperate measure leads to the spread of HIV/
             vices and psycho-educational interventions ai-    Aids,  now  a  pandemic  in  South  Africa.  The
             ming at prevention rather than cure. It further   consequence of this pandemic is a loss of adults
             implies the expansion of the mental health mo-    in all roles of society, including parents and tea-
             del to counter the individual psychopathology     chers. One of the far-reaching consequences of
             paradigm,  encompass  systemic  understanding     this is child-headed households and a potential
             of risks and mental health threats and develop    crisis regarding a lack of teachers in a few years
             a social justice and social action framework to   time.  Violence,  on  the  other  hand  is  a  direct
             address specific contextual issues.               action  against  another  person  or  property  to
                                                               bring  harm.  Although  different  communities
             Some pertinent contextual issues that pertain to   might interpret violence differently, it still poses
             South Africa were identified, inter alia pover-   a huge mental health crises as the vast majority
             ty, unemployment, gender inequalities, histori-   of South African are subjected to some or other
             cally shaped racial structures and lack of basic   traumatic experience. Only by addressing these
             education  and  life  skills.  Poverty  implies  that   issues collectively could a solution be found.
             a large number of people are exposed to signi-
             ficantly  inferior  circumstances  suffering  from   Based on the above it seems that Community
             the consequences of NOT getting their primal      Psychology  provides  a  potential  effective  ap-
             physiological needs met. According to Maslow’s    proach to address the needs of underprivileged
             theory this has a ripple effect, meaning that this   and marginalised communities, as the central
             would  probably  result  in  low  self-esteem,  the   focus  is  social  justice,  social  action  and  the
             overall experience of insecurity (emotional and   wellbeing of all people.
             physical) and low self-actualisation.
                                                               Christian Community Psychology
             Poverty  results  in  a  lack  of  access  to  proper   The  Institute  of  Christian  Psychology  (ICP)
             nutrition,  education  and  health  care  services.   faced the challenge to develop Christian Com-
             It  further  leads  to  the  development  of  social   munity Psychology when it was phased in as a
             and mental health problems, such as a lack of     4th year subject of the Bachelor of Psychology
             education and life skills, substance abuse, theft   (B Psych) degree in 2007. In order to develop
             and  other  criminal  activities,  violence  and   this perspective a three pronged approach was

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