Page 53 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 53

Christian Psychology as a Challenge

             aim  to  modify  social  processes  and  eradicate   The  methodology  employed  for  the  project
             oppression.                                       entails Action Research and Participatory Ac-
                                                               tion  Research,  which  are  based  on  the  same
             Thus,  empowerment  forms  a  central  value  of   philosophical assumptions and includes Action
             Community Psychology and entails “…a perso-       Learning. Action research implies that systems
             nal sense of control over one’s life as well as the   are  studied  through  changing  them  and  see-
             political control of factors that influence one’s   ing  the  effects  and  new  dynamics  this  brings
             life” (Duncan et al., 2007, p.69). The principle   about. Action learning is participatory and this
             of community participation is further central to   aligns well with the new emerging participatory
             this concept.                                     worldviews.
                                                               Action research method starts with a descrip-
             Furthermore,  risk  prevention  and  health  pro-  tion of a challenge or concern or problem. The
             motion and valuing the differences among cul-     steps  to  be  followed  are:  (1)  Identification  of
             tures and communities are upheld as important     a concern and illustration of this with proble-
             values. Risk prevention refers to the identificati-  matic cases and problem solving attempts. (2)
             on of communities at risk and developing inter-   An analysis of the assumptions that the com-
             ventions to prevent the development of potenti-   munity associates with their problematic situa-
             al mental health issues. For example, identifica-  tion - focusing particularly on the assumptions
             tion of risks to the health of pregnant mothers   underlying  the  explanations  of  their  problem
             and  unborn  babies  due  to  the  lack  of  proper   situation  and  the  values  and  inferences  on
             nutrition  would  lead  to  a  psycho-educational   which problem-solving attempts are based. This
             programme to inform pregnant women of the         could be facilitated through group discussion,
             importance of diet, and to set up housing and     and looking at how personal and community
             care for women at risk.                           history  is  linked  with  the  identified  concern.
                                                               This analysis could aid to make action learners
             Prevention interventions aim at building resi-    aware of “theory-in-use” and put them in a po-
             lience,  creating  supportive  environments  and   sition to make it explicit. (3) The next step in
             spurring collaboration amongst all members of     action  learning  entails  having  to  reformulate
             the community.                                    initial  problem  definitions  and  solutions.  (4)
             Cultural  diversity  is  valued  as  respect  for  all   Thereafter follows an exploration of alternati-
             people is emphasised and the commitment to        ve strategies for dealing with the problem, and
             make societal resources available to all commu-   new ways of viewing it. Action researchers are
             nities treasured.                                 encouraged to do this through discussion with
             Thus,  the  practice  of  Community  Psychology   their  supervisor,  group  members  and  others
             entails community engagement, social change       in this field of practice. (5) The above steps are
             agendas to modify social processes and social     meant to place action researchers in a better po-
             action to reach these goals.                      sition to make an educated decision about how
                                                               to proceed. Informed action is likely to follow
             Community Psychology Praxis                       when the action researchers are able to account
             Community Psychology praxis entails engage-       for the choices they made and the values they
             ment with communities and to train students in    based them on. (6) The research process thus
             this regard service learning, group supervision   entails trial and error, engaging in the spirals of
             and self-reflexive report writing is implemented   planning, acting, observing, reflecting and re-
             at the ICP. Students are expected to choose a     planning (Pistorius and Katabua, 2015).
             community to engage with by means of (a) an
             appreciative  inquiry  in  a  community  of  their   Both  careful  observation  and  verification  are
             choice; and, (b) a community intervention pro-    fundamental to any action-learning project. It
             ject.                                             is futile to base one’s observations on faulty as-
                                                               sumptions and false reasoning. One also should
                                                               not base one’s verification on a limited set of in-

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