Page 107 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 107

Christian Psychology alive

             In 2015, Cornerstone College, originally a se-      in SA, headed by Professor Nicolene Joubert),
             condary  school,  founded  the  primary  school     Counselling@ (founded by Dr. Hanlie Meyer),
             division of the college by introducing Grade R –    and  Focus  on  the  Family  Africa  (CEO  Grae-
             Grade 6. Therefore, the approach for achieving      me Schnell). Although much ground has been
             this integration of education, Christianity, and    ploughed and won towards the purpose of legi-
             psychology  has  been  more  comprehensive  in      timizing and researching the field of Christian
             the sense that we have put programs in place for    psychology by these organisations, we remain
             both parents, younger children, as well as ado-     united and focused on continued efforts to ex-
             lescents. Although the focus of this case report    pand this progress. To make a contribution to
             is on the annual adolescent conference, it must     this end, I am now a doctoral student with the
             be said that the parents are invited to a mini-     University of South Africa (UNISA) with a the-
             mum of four seminars per annum at the school.       sis title in the broad subject area of integrating
             The  topics  of  the  seminars  that  are  presented   Christianity and psychology in various sectors.
             to the parents correlate with the topics that are   Therefore, to this end, the purpose of this ado-
             presented to the adolescents so that the family is   lescent conference is to provide Christo-centric
             united, educated and supported holistically. The    and psychologically verified information about
             parents have requested a few topics be covered      the typical adolescent type difficulties that lear-
             for  their  own  sake  that  the  adolescents  have   ners  face  e.g.  eating  disorders,  bullying,  peer
             not  expressly  requested,  but  this  information   pressure,  depression,  suicide,  drugs,  alcohol,
             from the parents has equipped us in knowing         and sexual activity. During and after the confe-
             the challenges that the wider communities are       rence, there are counsellors on staff to assist any
             facing. An example of one of these topics has       learner who may need further counselling, or to
             been single-parented homes. This has given rise     follow-up on any issues raised that need further
             to an entirely new perspective on ways in which     intervention e.g. social workers. A number of
             parents, learners, families, and communities are    resources, NGO details, and handouts are given
             in pronounced need of an integrated model of        to the learners so that they are thoroughly sup-
             Christianity, education, and psychology.            ported should they require any further counsel-
                                                                 ling. The parents of the learners also give writ-
             One of the ways in which this integration takes     ten consent for their children to attend this con-
             place is through the presentation of an annual      ference, and are encouraged to notify the school
             life skills conference. This conference is presen-  should any additional assistance be required.
             ted by myself in my role as a Clinical Psycholo-
             gist and Christian. I work within the sector of     The  conference  is  presented  to  learners  from
             private practice, however, I also work as a con-    grade 6 (primarily 12 year olds) through to gra-
             sultant for various institutions that purport to    de 11 (primarily 17 year olds). A few months
             integrate the fields of psychology and Christia-    before the conference is presented, I take a sur-
             nity. Currently, in South Africa, it is not possible   vey from the pupils to determine which psycho-
             to register expressly as a Christian psychologist,   logical issues are most pressing for them. There
             there is no specific registration category for that   is also opportunity for them to suggest certain
             subdivision. Therefore, psychologists who want      topics that I may not be aware are areas that they
             to  practise  from  a  Christian  perspective  are   are  struggling  with.  Although  the  perception
             required to do so under view strict guidelines      may exist that the topics that need to be cove-
             as  provided  by  the  statutory  medical  counsel   red most saliently will differ from grade to gra-
             –  Health  Professions  Council  of  South  Africa   de, it would appear from our internal research
             (HPCSA). Much effort is being dedicated to ex-      that this is not the case. Our surveys over the
             panding and legitimising the field of Christian     last two years have shown that this age group of
             psychology,  such  as  organisations  like  the  In-  grade 6 to grade 11 learners are all faced with
             stitute for Christian Psychology (ICP founded       similar  challenges,  regardless  of  their  age,  so-
             by Professor Nicolene Joubert), Association for     cio-economic status, ethnicity, or geographical
             Christian  Counsellors  in  South  Africa  (ACC     location. The most commonly requested topics

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