Page 109 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 109

Christian Psychology alive

                is easily accessible and is often presented to   4.  Cyberbullying is becoming a definite threat
                them with falsely innocuous promises that           to  the  psychological  health  of  adolescents
                it  will  not  have  any  negative  side-effects.   as technology advances and becomes more
                The attraction to drugs and alcohol is also         readily  available.  The  nature  of  cyberbul-
                linked  to  status.  It  is  assumed  that  those   lying is often complicated because it can be
                adolescents who can afford high quantities          performed  in  an  anonymous  fashion.  The
                of  those  substances  are  of  a  higher  socio-   identity  of  the  bully,  unless  you  request  a
                economic  status  than  those  who  cannot.         criminal investigation, is not easily uncove-
                Thankfully, due to the ethos of the school          red or proven. The basic biblical foundation
                and their substantial drive towards educa-          of how we treat one another is something
                ting  the  learners  holistically,  these  myths    that becomes blurred in some adolescents’
                have been dispelled amongst them. Howe-             minds when they are under the impression
                ver, the communities from which some of             that their actions cannot be traced back to
                the learners come still attach status to sub-       them. Much of the discussion around this
                stance  use.  There  were  many  discussions        theme  centred  on  biblical  exhortations  to
                around  the  body  being  the  temple  of  the      treat one another in a spirit of love, hono-
                Holy  Spirit  (1  Corinthians  6:19)  and  how      ur, respect, and humility. On a more practi-
                this  translates  into  practice.  The  learners    cal level, however, there are many laws that
                were  also  shown  the  neuropsychological          exist in South Africa that provide protection
                effects of drug use on the brain as well as         for the victims of cyberbullying, as well as
                how this impacts their behaviour. The long          legal consequences for those that chose to
                term consequences of substance abuse were           victimise others. This section of the semi-
                shown to them, but the emotional fall-out           nar was a more educational one where we
                of  substance  addiction  was  just  as  impor-     presented the learners with a synopsis of the
                tant as the physical side effects in how we         legal limitations of ‘free speech’. This educa-
                addressed this topic with the learners.             tional  section  of  the  seminar  will  actually
             3.  Another  interesting  theme  was  the  obser-      be expanded on in the next few months as
                vation of how some more postmodern type             we host a social media attorney who will be
                thinking has infiltrated the learners’ percep-      presenting a seminar to educators, learners,
                tions of emotions. Many of them were con-           and parents on social media and law.
                fused about thoughts such as:                    5.  Responsible sexual behaviour and sexually
                                                                    transmitted  diseases  is  a  pertinent  theme
                  •  My decisions and my behaviour should           for adolescents. Most national and interna-
                     always be guided primarily through my          tional school curricula focus education on
                     emotions                                       ‘safe sex’. This would include birth control
                  •  My life should be only about my own            options, the risks around sexual promiscui-
                     happiness                                      ty, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/
                  •  I  am  entitled  to  feel  whatever  I  want   AIDS.  However,  Cornerstone  College,  as
                     to feel, whenever I want to feel it, and       is the case with most church organisations
                     wherever I want to feel it.                    and  Christian  schools,  has  added  to  this
                                                                    curriculum  by  emphasising  the  motto  of
             Although an academic discussion is beyond the          ‘safe sex is no sex’. This is an ‘abstinence be-
             scope of this article, it is this above theme that     fore marriage’ teaching that uses the biblical
             perhaps highlights some of the differences that        explanation and model of sex to explain the
             we  see  between  some  traditional  westernised       sacred nature of sexual intercourse. Added
             models of psychology, versus Christian psycho-         to  this,  we  showed  the  learners  snippets
             logy literature and research. Therefore, we took       from  DVDs  of  respected  Christian  sexual
             much time here to discuss the value and gift of        education experts discussing STDs, and se-
             understanding one’s emotions, while seeing that        xuality in general.
             emotions do not always have to be determini-
             stic and enslaving.
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